Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Conservatives Keep Pouring Fuel On The Texas Takeover Fire

Conservatives Keep Pouring Fuel On The Texas Takeover Fire
The Pentagon has no plans to stage a military takeover of the Lone Star state. There are no tunnels covertly being constructed under West Texas' shuttered Wal-Mart stores.
So why are the fringes of the Internet still abuzz with rumors that the U.S. military is on the cusp of imposing martial law in "hostile" Texas under the guise of a training exercise dubbed "Jade Helm 15"?

I hope Jade Helm 15 is actually a secret military plan to build six dozen abortion clinics in Texas.- Jessie Berney Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

God told Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Jeb Bush to run for President b/c God loves us and wants us to laugh.- John Fugelsang

Uh, Oh, The Right Wing Won't Like This
A nuclear agreement will allow Iran to become the number one energy player in the Middle East and herald major opportunities for foreign companies, top Iranian officials said Wednesday

No matter how bad life may seem, just remind yourself: if Republicans had their way this would be year 7 of a McCain-Palin administration. - The Daily Edge

Republican Shenanigans

Mike Huckabee blamed contraception for Newtown.  Some might blame lack of access to contraception for Mike Huckabee.- John Fugelsang

West Virginia Senator Mocks Texas GOP
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) said during an interview on Wednesday's "Morning Joe" that West Virginia, unlike Texas, would welcome military training exercises that have led to widespread conspiracy theories in several western states.
"Let me just say this. I want to make news right now," Manchin said. "I don't know what's going on in Texas. I don't know the paranoia that goes on in Texas, but the people in West Virginia welcome, welcome the special forces exercises. Please come to West Virginia. We'll welcome you with open arms. We're not afraid of you. We embrace you, we want you to be part of us."

Shorter Carly Fiorina: I'm 2016's Michele Bachmann!- Tina Dupuy

Rock The Voter News

Colorado Governor Won't Comment on Jade Helm 15 Probably Because He Is Laughing Too Hard
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper's (D) office told TPM on Wednesday that he was not commenting on a military training exercise set to take place in his state that has spawned multiple fringe conspiracy theories.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Plan Plagued by Website Glitches.- Andy Borowitz

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Ben Carson - because getting non-millionaires to vote for policies that only help millionaires isn't brain surgery.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

If Carly Fiorina can do for American voters what she did for HP jobs then we'll all get to move to India.- JohnFugelsang

North Carolina Water Poisoning
North Carolina officials are warning more residents living near Duke Energy's coal ash pits that it's not safe to drink or cook with their well water after tests showed contamination levels that is raising health concerns.

I read that as marijuana legalization becomes more popular, it could affect the jobs of drug-sniffing dogs. Or as those dogs put it, “Thanks, Bo Obama.”- Jimmy Fallon


I hope you had a good time today.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Devil's pool in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Texas Shooting

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Texas Shooting
Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack on a Muhammad cartoon art fair in Texas on Sunday. Georgia State University’s Anthony Lemieux explains on the News Hub.

Carly Fiorina already knows how to stop ISIS - by buying the whole organization and then laying them off.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Republicans Lied And Distorted Benghazi? Of Course!
Former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell said Republicans politicized and repeatedly distorted the agency's analysis of the 2012 Benghazi attacks.
The allegation that the U.S. military and CIA officers "were ordered to stand down and not come to the rescue of their comrades" is not true, Morell wrote in his book The Great War of Our Time, set for release later this month.


Poor Rand Paul. He isn't even the most unglued doctor in the GOP primary anymore. #BenCarson - LOLGOP

Ben Carson Quote

Republican Shenanigans

Carly Fiorina: "I'm a forward-thinking tech CEO ready to lead the country as soon as I get my domain name back"- The Daily Edge Tweet

Republicans Arguing With Each Other Is Strangely Satisfying
Bill O'Reilly argued with fellow Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Monday's "The O'Reilly Factor" about the shooting that occurred Sunday at a Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas.

Weird. The same people who think big oil has their best interests in mind also believe a class can teach teenagers to not have sex.- LOLGOP

Another Ben Carson Quote

Mitt Romney Is Miffed At Hillary
Hillary Clinton recently delivered a thoughtful speech in response to protests and rioting in Baltimore, in which she denounced “mass incarceration.” Mitt Romney is not happy about this. Appearing on Fox News, the former Republican candidate expressed his apparent belief that Hillary Clinton is now opposed to having laws...

@CarlyFiorina Your party doesn't even think women should be president of their own uteruses. - OhNoSheTwitnt Tweet

Rock The Voter News

Fox News apologizes for false police shooting report, assures that no black people could have possibly been watching its broadcast. - LOLGOP

Hillary Leads All GOP Candidates
A new NBC News poll reveals that the Republican attempts to stop Hillary Clinton have failed as the Democratic frontrunner leads every Republican presidential candidate.

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According to the GOP candidates for president, Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for "Secure the Border."- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Allah Sets Oil Prices! Who Knew?
With speculation rife over how long Saudi Arabia is content to see oil prices slump, the country's oil minister told CNBC that only Allah knows where prices are heading.
Influential Saudi Oil Minister, Ali Al-Naimi, told CNBC Tuesday that "no one can set the price of oil - it's up to Allah." 

If I were a Fairy Godmother, all I'd do is throw myself down in front of working people about to enroll in for-profit colleges.- LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Giant Sequoias in Yosemite National Park, California. Photography by UrbanTree


Monday, May 4, 2015

Former CIA official says GOP distorted agency's Benghazi findings

Former CIA official says GOP distorted agency's Benghazi findings
Former CIA deputy director says Republicans repeatedly distorted the agency's analysis of the Benghazi attack in 2012 that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans. He also says U.S. intelligence agencies failed to recognize that al-Qaida would rapidly regain strength after the killing of Osama bin Laden.

The liberal media is so liberal that an actual liberal is running for POTUS & the only one to cover the Bernie Sanders announcement is FOX.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Jeb Says We Need To Scare Our Enemies 
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush argued Saturday that American foreign policy should frighten the nation’s enemies abroad with its strength.

“The basic policy should be our friends know we have their back over the long haul, and our enemies need to fear us again,” Bush said at the South Carolina GOP convention in Columbia, according to the Associated Press.

Bin Laden may be dead but that lip gloss is still a threat to every soul on this plane unless it's in a small plastic bag.- John Fugelsang

Texas Police Kill Two Gunmen At Anti-Islamic Event
Texas police shot dead two gunmen who opened fire on Sunday outside an exhibit of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad that was organized by an anti-Islamic group and billed as a free-speech event.

"The city of San Francisco announced that on January 1 tobacco of any kind will be illegal.
So you'll finally be able to say to a police officer, 'No, no, this is just weed.'" - Seth Meyers

Republican Shenanigans

Every time a state passes a law that allows guns in bars Darwin's ghost does a victory lap.- John Fugelsang

So How's That Abstinence Only Program Going?
Chlamydia outbreaks hits nearly 10 percent of small Texas school in district with no sex-ed policy.

Awesome when people who defend Dick Cheney call other people 'thugs.'- John Fugelsang

Baltimore Update
Maryland National Guard troops in Baltimore have begun to demobilize, with the last of the soldiers expected to withdraw Tuesday, a spokesman said.
About 1,400 remain on duty Monday but are in various stages of demobilization, said National Guard spokesman Col. Charles S. Kohler.

Rock The Voter News

Republicans unveil new plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a tax cut for the rich. - The Daily Edge

Obama Didn't Invade Texas After All
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced he was ordering the Texas State Guard to monitor a Navy SEAL/Green Beret joint training exercise, which was taking place in Texas and several other states, everybody here looked up from their iPhones. What?

 Click here

Amazing how the people who are skeptical of climate science can be convinced of almost anything else.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

The GOP is now the party of workers who are afraid their boss' boss' boss' kids may have to pay any inheritance taxes - LOLGOP

Airbus Suing Germany And U.S. For Spying
European aviation company Airbus said Friday it is taking legal action following reports that it was targeted by German and U.S. intelligence agencies.

Bruce Jenner is famous for being the only Kardashian who's famous for a reason.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Diphylleia grayi is an extraordinary flower with white petals that turn beautifully transparent upon contact with water.
