Monday, March 23, 2015

GOP lawmaker: Air Force cadets must pledge to God because there is no ‘freedom from religion’

GOP lawmaker: Air Force cadets must pledge to God because there is no ‘freedom from religion’
A Republican congressman has introduced legislation that would force cadets at the Air Force’s Academy to say “so help me God” during their oaths every school year. He said the legislation is necessary because Americans don’t have “freedom from religion.”

Liberty University is like Hogwarts for people who believe in the death penalty for wizarding.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Okinawa Wants US Out
The governor of Okinawa has ordered a halt to construction of a controversial new United States military base on the southern Japanese island, the latest setback in a long-running row over the US military presence there. 

#TedCruzCampaignSlogans The wisdom of Bush, the fearmongering of Cheney, the ideology of Rand Paul, and the face of the drama mask. - John Fugelsang

Yes, Costa Rica!
Costa Rica got 100 percent of its electricity from renewables for 75 days straight this year, the state-run Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) announced this week.

Even fact-adverse Liberty Univ has to REQUIRE students to listen to lipless Canadian Ted Cruz. He isn't rich enough to pay the rest of us. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Republican Shenanigans

Ted Cruz won't drag the GOP field to the right. He'll just force them to say the things they all believe aloud.- LOLGOP

Ted Cruz is the Abraham Lincoln of Sarah Palins.  #TedCruzCampaignSlogans - John Fugelsang

Tennessee Voter IDs
Under Tennessee law, a handgun carry permit can be used as ID when casting a ballot, but a student ID card cannot. The state also includes college and university faculty ID cards as acceptable forms of ID even though they are nearly identical to student IDs cards.

Rock The Voter News

Ted Cruz has bravely renounced his Canadian citizenship, and the evil socialized health care that allowed his mom a safe affordable birth.- John Fugelsang

Florida Cops Investigated By FBI
The FBI has begun looking into the case of four Florida police officers who were accused of exchanging text messages and a video containing racist slurs and violent imagery, the Sun Sentinel newspaper reported on Sunday.

Ted Cruz. The candidate for Americans who are still aggrieved by the end of Footloose.- LOLGOP

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"If everybody in this country voted, the Democrats would be in for the next 100 years.” - John Kenneth Galbraith

Business/Tech News

Imagine if there were a flat tax and billionaires were finally able to pay the same tax rate as pre-school teachers!- LOLGOP

Meanwhile, China Is Busy Spending Money
China is on a shopping spree in Europe, snapping up companies on the cheap thanks to the weak euro.
The latest big acquisition came Monday with news of an $8 billion bid for Italian tiremaker Pirelli.

Prince Charles visited President Obama at the White House yesterday. They each had a good laugh and then shook ears. - Jimmy Fallon


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Colchuck Lake, Washington.


Friday, March 20, 2015

The Prosperity Gospel

Larry Wilmore destroys ‘prosperity gospel’ megachurches for turning Jesus into a money-making scam
On Wednesday’s Nightly Show, host Larry Wilmore and his panel attacked “prosperity gospel” preachers like Creflo Dollar for exploiting their congregations in the name of Jesus Christ.

According to the Bible, Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple and less than 48 hours later he was hanging on a cross. Today, the money changers are televangelists and mega church preachers and they're re-crucifying him all over again, just in time for Easter!

Would evangelicals who are against having "a woman rule" be able to deny the first woman president service for religious reasons? - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Payback's A Beeotch, Bibi
 President Barack Obama told Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday that Washington would "reassess" its options on U.S.-Israel relations and Middle East diplomacy after the Israeli prime minister took a position against Palestinian statehood during his re-election campaign, a White House official said.

During an interview with Playboy — that's right, Playboy — Dick Cheney said President Obama is the worst president in his lifetime. Meanwhile, subscribers to Playboy said Cheney was the worst centerfold in their lifetime.- Conan O'Brien

Yep, The GOP Would Repeal Social Security If They Could
 A top adviser to President Barack Obama on Friday slammed a House Republican maneuver aimed at forcing a showdown on Social Security as early as next year, signaling that it won't fly with the White House.

Obama suggests everyone should vote. Republicans naturally take the contrary opinion.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

GOP 2016 platform: Pay no attention to the best economy of the last 16 years and nominate the brother of the guy who gave us the worst.- LOLGOP

Bohener Continues Backstabbing The President
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) will travel to Israel at the end of the month to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who just won re-election, according to reports from CNN and Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Rock The Voter News

Mitt Romney, two-time Republican presidential candidate, is going to fight Evander Holyfield for charity. I hope they save some of that money for funeral expenses.- David Letterman

US Vets Fighting IS
Upwards of 130 Americans are known to have gone the Middle East to fight for or against the Islamic State. Some US veterans say that they see in the anti-IS fight a clear vision of the enemy that they never found in combat.

My favorite Bible story is the one where Jesus told the needy where to stick it and then hung out on Pilate's yacht. - Jeff Tiedrich Tweet

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More Interference From Crazy Californian Christians
A proposed California initiative calling for “sodomites” to be “put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method,” currently sits on the desk of California’s attorney general, requiring her to title and summarize the ballot measure, according to the Sacramento Bee.

It's true, the Jews secretly control everything. I'm in charge of soda can tabs that break off when you try to open one. Proud of that one.- Jeff Tiedrich Tweet

Business/Tech News

Obama Frucks Fracking.
The Obama administration said Friday it is requiring companies that drill for oil and natural gas on federal lands to disclose chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing operations.

Believing that more drilling leads to lower gas prices is like planting an apple seed so you can eat apple pie tomorrow.- John Fugelsang

Kardashian Regular Is About 10 Miles Away From Me Trying To Cure His Addictions With Psychedelic Drugs
Can you hallucinate your way to sobriety? “Keeping up with the Kardashians” regular Scott Disick is about to find out.
The reality star Disick came to Costa Rica this week not for beaches and zip lining but rather a controversial rehab treatment. Kourtney Kardashian’s on-again-off-again beau and father of her three children checked into the Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Hacienda Pinilla, Guanacaste to try to conquer his alcoholism with shaman-guided trips using iboga, a root from West Africa outlawed in the United States.

Instagram is down. Can I come over and look at your food?- Jeff Tiedrich Tweet


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This is what it looks like when an airplane slices through the clouds.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert can’t wait any longer: ‘It’s time to bomb Iran’

GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert can’t wait any longer: ‘It’s time to bomb Iran’
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) pushed some wild conspiracy theories Wednesday to argue that the U.S. must attack Iran to destroy its nuclear program.
“We need to make clear to Iran: You can play these silly games with our president that buys into them and our secretary of state, but the American people aren’t buying it and you’re going to pay a price,” Gohmert said.

"Obama tried to blow up a nuke in Charleston a few months ago and the three Admirals and Generals." Meet the Republican base.- Kon Lowell

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Racial Thursdays?
The Army is investigating allegations that a platoon of soldiers was given a free pass to use racial slurs against each other during what was known as "Racial Thursdays."

Mitt Romney has a fund-raiser. He’s going to get in the ring and fight Evander Holyfield. This is the dumbest thing Republicans have done since they wrote that open letter to Iran.- David Letterman

Holy Water?
A San Francisco Catholic church has reportedly installed a “watering system” that discourages homeless people by drenching them as they sleep.

GOOD NEWS! House GOP introduces budget that will cut taxes on rich and eliminate the deficit by selling the blood and organs of poor people.- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

The only way Jeb Bush could live on the minimum wage is if his dad had a yacht named "The Minimum Wage." - LOLGOP

Another Shooting. America Doesn't Notice.
A gunman opened fire inside a motel room in the Phoenix suburb of Mesa on Wednesday, killing a man and wounding two women before shooting three more people as he sought to elude an exhaustive manhunt that ended in his capture, police said.

I'd be willing to bet that none of #Hillary's emails warned a head of state not to trust our country.- Kona Lowell

Rock The Voter News

Donald Trump pretends to run for president the same way the GOP pretends to care about deficits -- badly and with contempt for the poor. - LOLGOP

Global Warming Continues In Spite Of Science Deniers
A glacier the size of California in East Antarctica is in danger of melting away, which could lead to an extreme thaw increases sea levels by about 11.5 feet (3.5 meters) worldwide if the glacier vanishes, a new study finds.

47 Republican senators breathed a sigh of relief when their letter to the Pope calling him a godless communist was returned postage due.- Kona Lowell

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Dollars From Jesus?
Fox Fnancial guru Dave Ramsey asserted on Thursday that Christians who owned mansions were not hypocrites because they were just managing the wealth for God.

#GOPHatesPoorPeople? Not entirely true. They love the poor white southerners who they have repeatedly bamboozled into voting for them.- Jeff Tiedrich tweet

Business/Tech News

China Indicts Oil Corrupter. USA Gives Them Tax Breaks.
 The former chairman of the stated-owned parent of PetroChina Ltd., Asia's biggest oil producer, was indicted Thursday in a spreading anti-corruption crackdown.

"Yesterday was Queen Latifah's birthday. And, the citizens of Latifah were celebrating in the streets."- Geoff Ninecow tweet


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The Tadpole Galaxy in 2002. Photo/NASA/Hubble
