Monday, February 9, 2015

When Will Fox News Fire Bill O’Reilly For Lying About Combat Duty?

When Will Fox News Fire Bill O’Reilly For Lying About Combat Duty?
..."I tell you what, I've been in combat. I've seen it. I've been close to it. And if my unit is in danger and I got a captured guy and the guy knows where the enemy is and I'm looking him in the eye, the guy better tell me. That's all I'm gonna tell you. If it's life or death, he's going first."

Lying is inexcusable in journalism. I think Brian Williams should lose his job  -- right after every single person who works at FoxNews.- Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

At the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama and the Dalai Lama avoided a direct meeting. Uh-oh, sounds like there may be some Obama-Lama drama.- Seth Myers

Canada now has doctor-assisted suicide, zero anti-abortion laws & gay marriage. And we don't even need a fence to keep their Christians out.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

President Obama is making a speech about stopping violence against women. The Republicans will give a rebuttal speech later in the show.- Paul Poundstone

Crazy Christians In Alabama
Stating he is empowered to block any move that will “bring chaos and confusion into the system,” late Sunday night Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore ordered all probate judges and employees in Alabama to adhere to existing state laws and not issue or recognize same-sex marriages that are supposed to begin Monday morning, according to

Sorry, I only take vaccination advice from people who needed six years to figure out that they shouldn't rely on the leadership of Sarah Palin.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Age is such a huge issue for the GOP that 3 of their last 6 nominees were older than Clinton will be in 2016.- LOLGOP

Homeland Security Shutdown: It's Basically Forcing People To Work Without Pay
Spending for the Department of Homeland Security hangs in the balance as Congress fights over immigration matters in the agency's annual funding bill. Without action by Feb. 27, the department's budget will shut off.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Huckabee: How dare Obadman say people do bad things in the name of Christianity? Now pardon me while I break up some same-sex marriages.- LOLGOP

Banks Are Legal Thieves
The private-banking unit of HSBC Holdings Plc made significant profits for years handling secret accounts whose holders included drug cartels, arms dealers, tax evaders and fugitive diamond merchants, according to a report released Sunday by an international news organization.

Business/Tech News

Global warming is the biggest hoax ever, says guys who promise the next Bush will be better.- LOLGOP

Killer Shrimp In Great Lakes! Thanks Obama!
Killer shrimp, creatures that indiscriminately slay other animals without eating them, may soon join the list of invasive species living in the Great Lakes, a new study finds.

Apparently Beyoncé thanked Me for winning a Grammy for "Drunk in Love." I don't like her music, but she's welcome anyway.- GoodGodAbove Tweet


Thank you John, for the food money!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A composite image of all four rockets launched from the Poker Flats Research Range on Jan. 26, back dropped by an incredible showing of the northern lights. Credit: NASA/Jamie Adkins


Friday, February 6, 2015

NBC News standing by Brian Williams in Iraq war-embellishment issue

NBC News standing by Brian Williams in Iraq war-embellishment issue
NBC News is standing by Brian Williams after the anchor's admission that he embellished his role in a military incident during the Iraq war.

Well it took 12 years but FOX News finally got upset over a lie about Iraq.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Bush lied about his military service, and so did Reagan
Bush's account of his Guard service and Reagan's story of the Nazi death camp were huge lies -- but never big news

I always suspected someone lied to get us to invade Iraq, I just didn’t realize it was Brian Williams who lied about the WMDs.- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

How dare Obama say bad things are done in the name of religion?! 
I'm so furious that I can't even focus on breaking up same-sex marriages.- LOLGOP

GOP Priorities: Rename A Mountain
Lawmakers have failed in past attempts to rename North America's highest mountain, but a new proposal may have a better chance this year under a Republican Congress, according to an aide to an Alaska lawmaker who is resurrecting the effort.

If I had been wrong about as many things for as long as Republicans have, I'd have an all-consuming fury for Brian Williams too.- LOLGOP

Fox & Friends Fools
On Fox & Friends this morning, co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck spoke to Bishop E.W. Jackson about President Barack Obama’s statements comparing Islamic State terrorists to Christian crusaders.

Rock The Voter News

Obamacare represents things that Republicans hate most, Obama and the verb "care."- Andy Borowitz

Kansas Kutters
Republican Gov. Sam Brownback said Thursday he would cut spending on Kansas' public schools and universities and GOP legislators approved a plan to shift around money to plug a budget hole as the state scrambled to cope with a revenue shortfall following aggressive tax cuts.

What's fun is the the only people in America who still wish George W. Bush were in office are the ones who hate Jeb Bush most.- LOLGOP

 Click here for The Charmed Time

"President Obama said that Michelle Obama is very strong and talented and she frequently tells him that he is wrong. As a result, Michelle Obama is now the Republican front-runner for 2016." –Conan O'Brien

Business/Tech News

Cyber War On U.S. By Who?
Several U.S. states are investigating a massive cyberattack on No. 2 U.S. health insurer Anthem Inc that a person familiar with the matter said is being examined for possible ties to China.

The economy is almost working again. Looks like we're going to need another Bush to torch it.- LOLGOP

"According to a new report, there are still five people alive today who were born in the 1800s. Even crazier, every one of them was re-elected this November." –Seth Meyers


Thank you for the Valentine's gift, Archie.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Cenotes Of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. I wish that was me standing there! What a gorgeous place.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Fox News Exec Explains Decision to Publish ISIS Execution Video; Fends Off Critics

Fox News Exec Explains Decision to Publish ISIS Execution Video; Fends Off Critics
We spoke by phone Wednesday afternoon with Fox News EVP John Moody, who further explained the network’s decision to post the full, unedited footage of Muath al-Kasaesbeh‘s immolation death at the hands of ISIS jihadists.

Nothing says Fox News more, than gathering the family around a huge plasma TV and watching a beheading. I miss the days when snuff films were illegal in the good old USA..

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Brian Williams apologizes for 1 lie about Iraq; while somewhere Cheney counts money and Bush paints a watercolor of a puppy.- John Fugelsang

20th Highjacker Says Saudi Royals Funded al-Qaida. I Wonder If That Was Before Or After The Royals Kicked Out bin-Laden in 2000?
Zacarias Moussaoui, a former al-Qaida operative sometimes referred to as the "20th hijacker" involved in the 9/11 attacks, claims that members of the Saudi royal family supported the terrorist organization.

The American Society of Civil Engineers gave infrastructure a D+ but it's all just part of Obama's Socialist plot to employ 1000s fixing roads & bridges.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Look, the GOP knows their 56 votes to repeal Obamacare won't end it; they just want the 15 million people using it to know they hate them.- Tea Party Cat

Rand Paul and Netanyahu
 Rand Paul’s top digital strategist is working for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election campaign.

HEADLINE: Gay Friends of Mike Huckabee Wish He Would Quit Using Them As Human Shields. .- Tea Party Cat

California Moves to Ban All Vaccination Exemptions
Gov. Jerry Brown, who preserved religious exemptions to state vaccination requirements in 2012, on Wednesday appeared open to legislation that would eliminate all but medical waivers.

Rock The Voter News

During an interview last weekend, President Obama was talking about the next race for president and refused to choose between Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, saying quote, “Love 'em both.” Which was nice until he said he’d support the nominee, regardless of who she is.- Jimmy Fallon

Republican Governor Rick Scott, off to a rocky start in his second term in office, faced an extraordinary meeting on Thursday with Florida's Cabinet in which he admitted botching the ouster of the state’s top police administrator.

This post is a gentle reminder that Ronald Reagan and Sylvester Stallone are to the left of Harry Reid on assault weapons.- John Fugelsang

Jeb Bush can say George W. is a great brother but thinking W. is a great president should disqualify you from picking out your own socks. - LOLGOP

 Click here for The Charmed Time

The GOP has a plan if the Court guts the Affordable Care Act:
Let people die and blame Obama. - LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

President Obama unveiled a $4 trillion budget for 2016 that would increase taxes on the wealthy and spend more money on education. He also made a snowball and put it in the oven, just to see which would last longer, his budget or the snowball.- Jimmy Fallon

Good News!
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler revealed Wednesday that he'll propose applying decades-old communications rules to Internet service providers to ensure that the Internet remains open to all legal content, an option that cable companies and other ISPs had feared and fought against vigorously.

Harper Lee announced today that she will release a sequel to "To Kill a Mockingbird,” which was published in 1960. Apparently she releases a new book every time the measles comes back.- Seth Myers

Kim Kardashian said during a Q & A yesterday that she'd like to take a selfie with Jesus. Though I think most people would say that Jesus has suffered enough.- Seth Myers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

An instrument on NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) captured its 100 millionth image of the sun. The instrument is the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, or AIA, which uses four telescopes working parallel to gather eight images of the sun—cycling through 10 different wavelengths—every 12 seconds. This is a processed image of SDO multi-wavelength blend from Jan. 19, 2015, the date of the spacecraft’s 100 millionth image release.
