Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Second U.S. health worker infected with Ebola flew the day before symptoms

Second U.S. health worker infected with Ebola flew the day before symptoms
 The second Dallas health care worker who contracted the Ebola virus was on a flight the day before her symptoms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday.

Here's to Emory being as successful at containing these Ebola cases as they were the last. Heroes for a living.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Nobody knows where he is but the U.S. national security adviser says there is no evidence that Kim Jong Un has been overthrown. If anything, he was probably just tipped over.- Seth Myers

WMD Opens Its Mouth
Former Vice President Dick Cheney has once again emerged to warn Americans that ours is a very scary world, one that demands “a strong leader” who won’t hesitate to waterboard terrorism suspects and perhaps invade a few countries to make a point about American might.

Of course Saddam had WMDs stupid!  He just didn't use them because his evil master plan was to get killed.  Duh.- John Fugelsang

Who's that heavily tattooed guy in a T-shirt and stylish European sunglasses, dwarfing the Kurdish fighter to his right? Apparently, that's Ron — just one of several Dutch bikers who've taken up arms with Kurdish soldiers against ISIS.

Meanwhile, Back In Eastern Europe
European companies in Russia warned on Tuesday they were being hurt by a Russian embargo on food imports as well as EU sanctions and risked being "sacrificed" in the standoff over Ukraine.

Republican Shenanigans

Chris Christie reassured New Jersey residents they are safe because he “blocked Ebola by closing lanes on the bridge.”- Top Conservative Cat

Fox News Host vs Fox News Host
Fox News host Greta Van Susteren isn't afraid to express a disagreement with one of her colleagues, even if it's the channel's grand poobah.

And so Van Susteren ventured into familiar territory once again on Tuesday, saying on-air that Bill O'Reilly was wrong to call for the resignation of U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden over the Ebola outbreak.

That awkward moment when Republicans protest Latino immigration, but then celebrate white immigration to America on Columbus Day.- Top Conservative Cat

Rock The Voter News

Ebola Over Politics
President Barack Obama is cancelling political travel to meet with his Cabinet on the Ebola outbreak.

"I'm not a scientist."

"I'm not a Republican"


Wall Street Has Ebola Fever
Very, very early this morning the Texas Department of State Health Services confirmed a second health care worker has been diagnosed with Ebola. The news sent shivers down the spine of markets still trying to find a footing after the recent pole-axing to stocks around the world. Futures took a slight dip around the time the story hit the newswires but let’s be honest, just about anything could take two or three points out of the futures given the restive state of investors these days.

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World would be a lot safer if fewer gun owners dreamed of being Dirty Harry and fewer gamers believed they are actually level 97 berserkers.- Gen. JC Christain Tweet

Business/Tech News

When News Clips Become Campaign Ads
A new ad by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) features NBC "Meet The Press" host Chuck Todd saying Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes "disqualified herself" by refusing to say in a recent interview if she voted for President Barack Obama.

I like hearing how we shouldn't believe the job numbers from people who believed the color coded terror alerts.- John Fugelsang

'Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.' - Oscar Wilde. Right. Because he's, like, SO smart and knows Everything.- John Fugelsang


Backup Laptop Fundraiser

I'd rather be safe than sorry. I perused through ebay's computer section and found everything from an inexpensive tablet to high end laptops that I wouldn't have a need for! The prices below are in colones. 50,000 colones is around $100 US dollars.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Saturn's odd hexagonal jet stream swirls in this amazing photo taken by the Cassini spacecraft. Image released Feb. 3, 2014. 


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ebola Overload

These 5 unhinged Ebola conspiracy theories expose the right’s anti-Obama delusions
Ebola, which originated in Africa and is spread by direct contact with bodily fluids, apparently taps into some deep-rooted xenophobic and racial anxieties among right-wingers terrified they might catch a poop-related disease from black people.

Watching an hour of Fox News can undo up to three days of Ebola Safety Training.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Republicans should have to wear their giant "I'm Not a Scientist" foam hat when talking about Ebola.- LOLGOP

Soccer: The Ebola Cup?
 Africa Cup of Nations' hosts Morocco say they have not made a definite decision on how to respond should organizers CAF refuse their Ebola-motivated request to postpone the continental showcase.

Mark Zuckerberg gave $25 million to fight Ebola. Obama hasn't given $25 million, so I guess he just doesn't care if we all die of Ebola.- Top Conservative Cat

John Boehner: "The CDC and NIH don't have a cure for Ebola, so we were right to cut their research budgets for the last 10 years."- Top Conservative Cat

The Republicans Are Coming. They Really Are. 
Republicans’ chances for taking over the Senate in the midterm elections rose to their highest point yet in a new average of polls.

As of Tuesday morning,’s average of forecasts gives the GOP a 69% chance of wresting control of the upper chamber from Democrats. The average is made up of six forecasts from the New York Times, and others like the Washington Post — which last week gave Republicans a whopping 95% chance of winning back the Senate.

Republican Shenanigans

Straight white men perplexed that anyone spends so much time worrying about the right to vote, consensual sex and not being shot by police.- LOLGOP

Uncompassionate Conservatives
DeKalb County in Georgia threatened to cut the sewer lines to Emory University because the hospital was caring for Ebola patients, a doctor revealed recently.

Ann Romney is an inspiring stay-at-5-homes mom.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

WTF NEWS: Democrats Drop Advertising For Close Senate Race 
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has stopped running TV ads in Kentucky's U.S. Senate race, a troublesome sign for Alison Lundergan Grimes in her challenge of Republican leader Mitch McConnell.

Slut Shaming -when culture media & men demand women sexualize themselves & punish them if they actually enjoy it.- John Fugelsang

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Marriage is at an all-time low. I blame Newt, Trump and Rush who are finally making it work and driving down the numbers.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Let the free market solve Ebola.- LOLGOP

Meanwhile, Back In Fergusonland
More than 50 people were arrested in a series of peaceful rolling protests in the St. Louis area on Monday, staged to draw attention to police violence more than two months after a white officer killed an unarmed black teenager in a local suburb.

Republicans want to make it harder to vote, marry and get health care. But they're all for making it really easy to be scared of the Ebola.- LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Bonsai Shah.
The Society Argentina Gardening
has cared for the Bonsai since 1936.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Costa Rica on alert for Ebola; Top U.S. general fears “mass migration” from CentAm in case of outbreak

Costa Rica on alert for Ebola; Top U.S. general fears “mass migration” from CentAm in case of outbreak
Costa Rica is on high alert for the Ebola virus and a top U.S. general is warning that mass migration from Central America is a very real threat should an outbreak occur in the region.

Why is a U.S. General spreading this fearful warning instead of a health official?

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Real EbolaBusters!
U.S. citizens who refuse to undergo the new screenings for Ebola at five major American airports could find themselves held in quarantine for up to three weeks, officials told Yahoo News on Thursday. Non-citizens who refuse the screenings could be quarantined or turned away from U.S. soil by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Weird. The people who think denying 4 million people health insurance for no good reason think a travel ban is good public health policy.- LOLGOP

Iraq Billions Lost: Yep, Definitely Bush's Fault
More than $1bn earmarked for the reconstruction of Iraq was stolen and spirited to a bunker in Lebanon as the American and Iraqi governments ignored appeals to recover the money, it has been claimed.

If cannabis is a Gateway Drug then I guess beer is the wide, brightly-lit walkway that leads you directly to the gate. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

World Health Organization raises Ebola death toll to 4,033, though Fox News is still reporting the count as 1 white person.- Top Conservative Cat

I Bet Sarah Palin Didn't See This From Her House
 A U.S. federal judge on Sunday ruled that the state of Alaska's ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional.

Look, we all know Ebola left Africa because it heard Obama will let it get gay married in America. - Top Conservative Cat

Rock The Voter News

California Dreaming Of Water
Since 2012, California has been suffering through a historically severe drought. For the farmers of the Central Valley, which is, as Dana Goodyear writes in this week’s issue, “the country’s fruit basket, salad bowl, and dairy case,” the future seems especially bleak. Wells have gone dry, orchards have been left to perish, and those who came to California to work the fields stand idle. 

Being in Austin, Texas, is like sitting next to a fun gay cousin at a Romney wedding.- Andy Richter Tweet

Hillary Heckler
A man with a bullhorn interrupted Hillary Clinton on Sunday during a speech she was giving in San Diego.
The heckler, sporting a suit and tie, sounded a loud alarm with the bullhorn and began shouting at the former Secretary of State before he was quickly removed by security. It's not immediately clear why the man interrupted Clinton's remarks.

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New York state is spending $750 million to open a solar plant in Buffalo, which will create thousands of jobs. Most of those jobs will be shoveling the snow off the solar equipment.- David Letterman

Meanwhile, Back In Hong Kong
 Rowdy scenes erupted at the main Occupy Central protest site in Hong Kong on Monday after hundreds of people opposing the pro-democracy occupation tried to tear down protest barricades.

Business/Tech News

Over Worked Traffic Control Staff
The head of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority told federal safety officials that traffic control staff at the Metro-North Railroad worked seven days straight for weeks when several accidents, including one fatal, disrupted commutes in Connecticut and New York last year.

U.S. Oil Will Be Fracking Mad At Saudi Arabia
Despite a nearly 25% slide in oil prices in recent months, Saudi Arabia has no intention of cutting oil production. On the contrary, according to a Reuters report Sunday, the kingdom “is quietly telling oil market participants that Riyadh is comfortable with markedly lower oil prices for an extended period.” How much lower? Perhaps down to $80 per barrel, for a year or two.

A woman in the U.K. held a wedding ceremony to marry herself. "I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think that lady you just married might be crazy."- Seth Myers


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Odd News

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