Monday, September 4, 2017

North Korea Taunts Trump. Trump Taunts North Korea.

UN political chief urges Security Council to 'remain united, take appropriate action' on DPR Korea
The top United Nations political official today urged the Security Council to remain united and take appropriate action against Sunday's nuclear explosive test conducted by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

I'm worried. Trump hasn't tweeted anything mean so far today.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Org that monitors global seismic & nuclear activity tells @CNN North Korea nuke test triggered “one of the biggest tremors ever recorded"- Will Ripley, CNN

Here is a screenshot of the USGS website I took yesterday. They monitor earthquakes worldwide. Notice the yellow diamonds almost directly horizontal to the US activity in. Utah and Wyoming. They have had dozens of earthquakes since Sept. 2. No relation to North Korea blasts.

It's not the deplorables that worry me, it's the gullibles.- John Fugelsang

Trump's War On The Media Continues
Trump’s EPA attacks AP reporter in personal terms. The agency accused the reporter of an ‘incredibly misleading story’ about its Harvey response ‘from the comfort of Washington.’

Just passed by a "Welcome to America" sign at airport customs and it felt like when someone forgets to take down a Christmas tree.  - Jess Dweck

Republican Shenanigans

As Trump plans to ship 800,000 #Dreamers back to Mexico...#Mexico ships 25 trailers of supplies to help Americans in need. - Bruno Amato

The Revengeful Confederate
The Department of Justice will retry a woman whom prosecutors say disrupted Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing for attorney general by laughing.
After rejecting a plea deal, Desiree Fairooz will again face charges of unlawful conduct for disrupting Sessions' hearing in January.

I like when people who call other humans 'illegals' then worship a POTUS who had to pay $25m for defrauding Americans with a scam online U.- John Fugelsang


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One city is under water, one city is on fire. It's like America is trying to decide how it wants to die instead of letting Trump destroy it. - OhNoSheTwint

Rock The Voter News

If, God forbid, a hurricane hits New York/Jersey, federal housing issues will be overseen by Eric Trump's wedding planner & a neurosurgeon. - Brian Klaas

Houston’s Police Chief's Warning To Alt-Right
Houston’s police chief warned Sunday that the country’s debate about immigration could have a negative impact on the city’s recovery from Hurricane Harvey.
Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo said on ABC’s “This Week” that the “ugliness” of the immigration debate could hurt the city as it tries to rebuild from the devastating storm.

Jesus was very clear: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me." - Sister Helen Prejean‏


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Beyond comprehension that as war tensions w/North Korea rise, the President has decided to pick a trade fight w/South Korea. - West Wing Report tweet

Business/Tech News

The United States is considering, in addition to other options, stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea. - Donald J. Trump

Meanwhile, The Congressional Russia Investigation Is Roaring Along
The congressional Russia investigations are entering a new and more serious phase as lawmakers return from the August recess amid fresh revelations about contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia.

I have no sympathy for these kids.

Their parents broke the law.

They don't have jobs.

They cost taxpayers money.

Deport Eric & Don Jr. -  Ben Wexler


Why, yes, yes, I am.
I forgot to transfer money to my bank and my electric bill is due tomorrow. I wish banks gave me instant transfers, just like how they instantly take money out.  Paypal gives me instant access. I love Paypal.
The dumbass is only about $50 shy.

Thank you.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Where is his parachute? Gaston Rébuffat mountain climbing in France, 1944. Photograph by George Tairraz.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Smoke seen pouring from Russian consulate in San Francisco

Smoke seen pouring from Russian consulate in San Francisco
Acrid, black smoke was seen pouring from a chimney at the Russian consulate in San Francisco Friday, a day after the Trump administration ordered its closure amid escalating tensions between the United States and Russia.

September is Donald Trump Awareness Month. Please help find a cure. - Jeff Tiedrich

Senators John McCain, Jeff Sessions and Lindsey Graham voted against Hurricane Sandy relief and so did Rep.Paul Ryan, plus all those dumb Texans.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump Loses Another White House Aide And Longtime Friend
President Donald Trump's longtime aide and current director of Oval Office operations Keith Schiller has told people he intends to leave the White House, three sources familiar with the decision told CNN.

Anybody seen that $1 million Trump pledged to Houston yet? Or this going to be like Sandy, where he makes a pledge and then doesn't give it? - Kurt Eichenwald

Republican Shenanigans

So in addition to being investigated, Jared is facing bankruptcy. I wonder where Ivanka came up with the idea of marrying someone like that. - Andy Borowitz

Yesterday Sanders said Trump was donating "a million dollars of personal money" to Harvey aid
Today, she says she's not sure now. - Steve Kopack, CNBC

There Are Texas Republicans And Then There Are Texass Republicans
A platoon of Texas lawmakers who voted against aid for victims of Hurricane Sandy in 2013 are scurrying to explain their votes in advance of being asked to vote for the same relief in the wake of Hurricane Harvey...Don’t believe them. According to an incredibly detailed analysis performed in 2013 by the Congressional Research Service, virtually every cent of the Sandy relief bill was related to damage from that storm.

BREAKING: Thoughts and prayers miraculously dry Houston and restore damaged property to pre-hurricane state, FEMA sent home. - Tea Party Cat


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Look Where Hurricane Irma Is Headed

Subject: If Harvey Hit Florida And Stalled

Enjoyed your blog on crap Texas building laws. I've lived in FL and Texas and mostly agree.
If Harvey hit south FL the way it hit Texas, it would've been underwater, everything. FL is about 4 feet above sea level. Hell, a big wave surge would run across the whole bottom of the state washing everything in its path if it hit during high tide. I lived in Miami when Cat 5 Andrew hit and we were incredibly fortunate not to have suffered more deaths. 65 people did die from the storm. But nothing like the floods in Texas from Harvey. nothing.

As a geologist, I feel south FL's days are numbered as it is so overbuilt and there is no building code that can stop the ocean or the gulf. #globalwarming

Sam in LA

Thanks for writing Sam. I agree. I'm so old, I remember when being an environmentalist in Florida wasn't cool, it was for our survival, Democrat or Republican. Not anymore. #sciencedeniers

Rock The Voter News

The most predictable thing about 2017 is the constant revealing of how often GOP opposed something Obama did just because Obama did it. - LOLGOP

My. My. My. Lindsey Graham Just Can't Give Up Hillary
Former FBI Director James Comey began drafting a statement rejecting the idea of criminal charges against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her private email account about two months or more before Clinton was interviewed in the FBI probe, according to partial transcripts of interviews released Thursday by two Republican senators...Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Sen. Lindsey Graham...

Fox News reports floodin' is linked to to a secret Clinton server in the basement of a D.C. pizza place with ties to Seth Rich's murder. - Tea Pain

Trump's tweeting about Comey, Hillary and emails again.
I guess Mueller found those laundered Russian money bank transfers. - Erik Bransteen


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Trump to Donate 58 Million Rubles to Texas Recovery. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Eclipse Injured Couple Suing Amazon
A South Carolina couple is suing online retailer Amazon over what they claim were faulty pairs of eclipse glasses that resulted in eye injuries, headaches and blurry vision.

Serena Williams just had a baby girl. They're on the practice court now. - Andy Jacobs


Labor Day Tips Gladly Accepted.
I gladly labor for AHNC!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Bromo volcano, Java. Which reminds me, I felt the 5.3 earthquake at 1:45 am today. It felt like a car hit hit my house. No damage except to my nerves.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

So what is Special Counsel Mueller doing?

Mueller teams up with New York attorney general in Manafort probe
The cooperation is the latest sign that the investigation into Trump's former campaign chairman is intensifying.

This is the first Presidency where the citizens are the ones that look like they age 5 years every month. - HITEXECUTIVE tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If emboldening white supremacists or threatening nuclear war doesn’t violate Twitter's community standards, what does?- Valerie Plame Wilson

Is Mueller Sharpening His Knives?
A grand jury used by Special Counsel Robert Mueller has heard secret testimony from a Russian-American lobbyist who attended a June 2016 meeting with President Trump's eldest son, the Associated Press has learned.
A person familiar with the matter confirmed to the AP that Rinat Akhmetshin had appeared before Mueller's grand jury in recent weeks. The person spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the secret proceedings.

New Fox News poll finds 56% of Americans think Donald is 'tearing the country apart.' Accurate.
Not even they can put lipstick on this pig. - George Takei

As a TX resident, & as a chem plant exploding, I'm so comforted that deregulation allowed those plants 2 keep secret what they have inside. - Kurt Eichenwald

Republican Shenanigans

The USA was a traitor to England in 1776. We're friends now.
The South was a traitor to the USA in 1861.  CONFEDERATE FLAG IN YOUR FACE! - AllHatNoCattle

Filthy Rich Televangelist: But The City Didn't Ask Me!!
Celebrity televangelist Joel Osteen said Wednesday that social media created a “false narrative” over the apparent decision to not open the doors of his megachurch to Hurricane Harvey victims...Osteen said that as floodwaters hit the Houston area, Lakewood Church was not initially asked by the city to open as a shelter.

What Would Jesus Do?

I try not to have hate in my heart, but Osteen always struck me as the worst sort of refried-Jesus-wheezing huckster BS artist.
Which he is. - John Schindler

Walmart Undercuts Trump's Hats By $30.01
President Donald Trump never shies away from marketing his famous Make American Great Again hat, but during his trip to Texas this week, he switched to a simple USA hat, and one seller over at Walmart seems to have undercut the President's business by selling a similar hat for a quarter of the price.The superstore store is selling the hats for $9.99, but they retail at $40 over at Donald Trump's official online store.


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Rock The Voter News

Hurricane Season Peaks On September 10, My Birthday.
Irma has quickly intensified into the fourth hurricane of the 2017 season in the eastern Atlantic Ocean.
For now, Irma presents no immediate threat to any land areas, but that is increasingly likely to change by next week.

BREAKING: Trump pardons Hurricane Harvey, saying "he didn't damage any of my properties, and distracted from Russia for a few days. Thanks." - Tea Party Cat

I'm visualizing the future where Ivanka and Jared are bankrupt and Ivanka has to spend the rest of her life wearing hideous unsold Ivanka Trump shoes, and so does Jared. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

The GOP runs government like a toxic, under-regulated chemical plant doomed to explode repeatedly in floods supercharged by climate change.-LOLGOP

Obamacare Popularity Is Surging And Trump Hasn't Tweeted?
Underscoring the adage that you don't know what you've got until it's (almost) gone, the popularity of Obamacare is surging.
Only weeks after Republicans in Congress failed to repeal the landmark health reform law, 52 percent of respondents hold a favorable view of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation August poll. That's up 10 percentage points since June of last year and nearly 20 points since November 2013, when public support for the ACA was at its nadir. 

The one silver lining to Hurricane Harvey is its providing plenty of inspiration for new statues to replace all those Confederate ones. - Matt Oswalt

"I do not go by the rule book ... I lead from the heart, not the head." -Princess Diana


Last donation was 8-25-17.
Thank you!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Too close for comfort for whale watching. Does the guy on the left have a fishing pole?
