Thursday, August 31, 2017

So what is Special Counsel Mueller doing?

Mueller teams up with New York attorney general in Manafort probe
The cooperation is the latest sign that the investigation into Trump's former campaign chairman is intensifying.

This is the first Presidency where the citizens are the ones that look like they age 5 years every month. - HITEXECUTIVE tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If emboldening white supremacists or threatening nuclear war doesn’t violate Twitter's community standards, what does?- Valerie Plame Wilson

Is Mueller Sharpening His Knives?
A grand jury used by Special Counsel Robert Mueller has heard secret testimony from a Russian-American lobbyist who attended a June 2016 meeting with President Trump's eldest son, the Associated Press has learned.
A person familiar with the matter confirmed to the AP that Rinat Akhmetshin had appeared before Mueller's grand jury in recent weeks. The person spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the secret proceedings.

New Fox News poll finds 56% of Americans think Donald is 'tearing the country apart.' Accurate.
Not even they can put lipstick on this pig. - George Takei

As a TX resident, & as a chem plant exploding, I'm so comforted that deregulation allowed those plants 2 keep secret what they have inside. - Kurt Eichenwald

Republican Shenanigans

The USA was a traitor to England in 1776. We're friends now.
The South was a traitor to the USA in 1861.  CONFEDERATE FLAG IN YOUR FACE! - AllHatNoCattle

Filthy Rich Televangelist: But The City Didn't Ask Me!!
Celebrity televangelist Joel Osteen said Wednesday that social media created a “false narrative” over the apparent decision to not open the doors of his megachurch to Hurricane Harvey victims...Osteen said that as floodwaters hit the Houston area, Lakewood Church was not initially asked by the city to open as a shelter.

What Would Jesus Do?

I try not to have hate in my heart, but Osteen always struck me as the worst sort of refried-Jesus-wheezing huckster BS artist.
Which he is. - John Schindler

Walmart Undercuts Trump's Hats By $30.01
President Donald Trump never shies away from marketing his famous Make American Great Again hat, but during his trip to Texas this week, he switched to a simple USA hat, and one seller over at Walmart seems to have undercut the President's business by selling a similar hat for a quarter of the price.The superstore store is selling the hats for $9.99, but they retail at $40 over at Donald Trump's official online store.


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Rock The Voter News

Hurricane Season Peaks On September 10, My Birthday.
Irma has quickly intensified into the fourth hurricane of the 2017 season in the eastern Atlantic Ocean.
For now, Irma presents no immediate threat to any land areas, but that is increasingly likely to change by next week.

BREAKING: Trump pardons Hurricane Harvey, saying "he didn't damage any of my properties, and distracted from Russia for a few days. Thanks." - Tea Party Cat

I'm visualizing the future where Ivanka and Jared are bankrupt and Ivanka has to spend the rest of her life wearing hideous unsold Ivanka Trump shoes, and so does Jared. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

The GOP runs government like a toxic, under-regulated chemical plant doomed to explode repeatedly in floods supercharged by climate change.-LOLGOP

Obamacare Popularity Is Surging And Trump Hasn't Tweeted?
Underscoring the adage that you don't know what you've got until it's (almost) gone, the popularity of Obamacare is surging.
Only weeks after Republicans in Congress failed to repeal the landmark health reform law, 52 percent of respondents hold a favorable view of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation August poll. That's up 10 percentage points since June of last year and nearly 20 points since November 2013, when public support for the ACA was at its nadir. 

The one silver lining to Hurricane Harvey is its providing plenty of inspiration for new statues to replace all those Confederate ones. - Matt Oswalt

"I do not go by the rule book ... I lead from the heart, not the head." -Princess Diana


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Too close for comfort for whale watching. Does the guy on the left have a fishing pole?


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