Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Don't, "dance like no one is watching." Someone is watching.

NYPD cop throws man to the ground after spotting him doing Ellen Degeneres’ ‘dance dare’
An online “prankster” was berated and thrown to the ground by New York City police while participating in one of talk show host Ellen Degeneres’ “dance dares,” the Free Thought Project reported.

Why is it that some in the NYPD, act more like goombahs for Tony Soprano?

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Two missing planes, one now tragically located, dominated the news in the safest year for air travel ever.- LOLGOP

TV Shows Gore To Family Members
Family members of those aboard AirAsia Flight 8501 collapsed in agony Tuesday as images of debris and a bloated body flashed across Indonesian television screens, proof that the plane crashed into the sea two days earlier with 162 people on board.

Women in combat, free abortions, gun control, gay rights, universal hc - at least the GOP doesn't mind when Israel does it.- John Fugelsang

Next up on Fox News: How to answer your child's question about Santa not being real by blaming it on Obama.- Top Conservative Cat

Fox & Friends: Obama's Gonna Ban Sprinkles!
Fox & Friends segment warned on Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s administration was set to enact a ban on doughnut sprinkles, which meant that the government could take control of where you live and work next.

Republican Shenanigans

The Koch brothers are worth $100 billion, which means Jesus must love them 100 billion times more than all you minimum wage nobodies. - Top Conservative Cat

Aside from resigning from firms that defraud Medicare, Jeb Bush is also practicing saying "George who?" as he prepares to run in 2016.- Top Conservative Cat

Steve Scalise’s Denials Are Not Believable
Faced with an exploding crisis sparked by the revelation that the No. 3 Republican in the House gave a speech to a well-known group of white supremacists and neo-Nazis a dozen years ago, the GOP in Rep. Steve Scalise’s home state of Louisiana is doubling down, calling the entire episode a mere “manufactured blogger story.”

PARTY TIP: Skip the White Supremacist conference, Republicans.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

If white people had been systematically oppressed by the government the way black people have, the conservative movement would make sense.- LOLGOP

Most Admired People: Obama, Hillary and PUTIN? PUTIN?
President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton remain the most admired man and woman in America, according to Gallup's annual survey, but Russian President Vladimir Putin also has his admirers — he crashed Monday's list, too.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Republicans are totally held to a higher standard. That's why every GOP candidate for president is more anti-science than THE POPE.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

When it comes to ratings, missing planes are the new missing blondes.- John Fugelsang

Solyndra Success
At the RV Park he owns in a remote corner of southwestern Kansas, Jan Leonard is seeing the benefits of one of the federal government's most contentious programs.

Conservatives will admit that systemic racism exists. It's just something only white people and Christmas can experience.- LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Stairway to the Devil's Cauldron in Equador. If I ever go, bringing a parachute would be high on my list.


Monday, December 29, 2014

Tensions with New York City police go beyond racial issues: commissioner

Tensions with New York City police go beyond racial issues: commissioner
 Tensions between New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and the police are rooted in issues that go beyond racial relations, the police commissioner said on Sunday, a day after the funeral of one of the two officers slain a week ago in their patrol car.

You have to sympathize with the NYPD. Believing that you are being aggressively and unfairly policed is a horrible feeling.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Few things are funnier than when Americans who despise America's government take time out to defend the Confederate flag.- John Fugelsang

NSA Response To FOI
Responding to a Freedom of Information lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Security Agency has reported instances when it violated individual privacy. The NSA says ‘the vast majority involve unintentional technical or human error.’

Republican Shenanigans

The Pope is more pro-science than any Republican candidate for president. He'd be a heretic in today's GOP.- LOLGOP

Obviously, Fox Noise Is Not Strong In The Area Of Math
Fox News host Anna Kooiman speculated on Sunday that an AirAsia flight could have gone missing because international pilots were trained using the metric system.

Conservatives firmly back police union they firmly believe should not exist.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Having to pay slightly higher taxes because you're rich is pretty much a sign you've already won.- John Fugelsang

Meanwhile, Back To Ebola
Roche Holding AG said U.S. health regulators have approved its Ebola test for emergency use in response to the world's worst outbreak of the disease in West Africa.

NYPD Commish Told Boys In Blue Not To Dis The Boss
The commissioner of the New York Police Department, Bill Bratton, has given strong backing to Bill de Blasio, denouncing the protest of rank-and-file officers who turned their back on the mayor at a weekend funeral as politicised and inappropriate.

Woman shoots up neighborhood, aims at police, but still alive thanks to the ultimate body armor-- white skin. - Top Conservative Cat

A Quick Look Back At 2014
From the rise of the Islamic State group to the truculence of Vladimir Putin, new tensions surfaced that may presage global shifts in power and prosperity in 2015.
Lots happened in 2014. The news was a daily parade of discrete events. Here are some, picked (almost) at random: Afghan opium production hit a record high, calling into question government control outside Kabul. More investment cash flowed out of China than in...

80's pop music + TV ads for life insurance = Demographic Harassment. - John Fugelsang

 Click here for The Charmed Time


Business/Tech News

"The U.S. is re-establishing relations with Cuba. But before President Obama can lift the embargo, it will need approval from the Republican-controlled Congress – or as Republicans who called Obama said, 'Close, but no cigar.'" –Jimmy Fallon

SONY Makes Money, Thanks North Korea.
In a landmark moment for digital movie distribution, "The Interview" has earned more than $15 million through online sales in its first four days of release.

"President Obama announced yesterday that he's pardoning 12 convicted felons. Political experts say the move could have huge implications for your fantasy football teams." –Seth Meyers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I would love to fly over the Alatna River Valley, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, Alaska.


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Food is my favorite part of Christmas

Christmas Dinner - Costa Rica Style

Here's what I did at a 5 star Christmas dinner prepared by Angele.

It was dusk and about 80°. Our appetizer: Creamed Tuna filled pastries on a bed of lettuce and baby tomatoes. Oooh la la!

The star of the Christmas dinner. The paella. Magnifique!

As you can see, hands were swooping in for the paella.

I bought a Christmas gift for Amalia, who is 11, a bracelet making kit on ebay. She was engrossed in her project.

Our Christmas dessert was a fresh baked yellow cake with a crunchy sugar crust, still warm, accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Selfishly, I forgot to take a picture because I devoured it immediately.

But the evening ended with a twist, after Jose lighted the Christmas candle luminaries, they soon caught on fire because of the 40mph gusts of wind that came out of nowhere! I missed that pic too!

It was a lovely Christmas celebration.

Now, we all can look forward to the New Year.

Peace, Costa Rica style.