Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Trump's bizarre music session reignites questions about his mental acuity

With President Joe Biden out of the race, Democrats have started questioning the mental fitness of Trump, who would be the oldest president in history if he wins in November.

At this rate, if Trump is sworn in, JD Vance will invoke the 25th Amendment in the car on the way back to the White House. - Rick Wilson

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

According to Woodward, Joe Biden stopped Putin from using battlefield nukes in Ukraine. I wonder how many Cuban Missile Crisis tests Biden has passed with utter competence and expertise. Too bad White House reporters were more concerned with his gait and raspy voice. - Bob Cesca

His Mental Decline Is Obvious, To The Delight of JD Vance.

I wish I could take more pleasure in Trump obviously sundowning but the thought of JD Vance stepping into the presidency is not even a little amusing to me. - David Roberts

Republican Shenanigans

You know who is very interested in Trump's medical records? JD Vance and Peter Thiel, preparing for the 25th Amendment in case he wins. - Not Hoodlum

Republican Love Of The Military Does Have Its Limits.
Democrats this week slammed Republicans for attempting to obstruct voting for military service members after some GOP lawmakers filed lawsuits targeting overseas voters.

MAGA: They refused to put Melania Trump on the cover even when she was first lady.

That's because the name of the magazine is "Vogue", not "Hustler". - Alex Cole


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Rock The Voter News

Republicans are the only people who will demand that votes stop being counted.
This is fascism. - DesignationSix

Fani Willis Addresses The Nothing Burger, Again.

The interesting thing about immigrants is that without them, neither Trump nor Vance would have wives. - Andrea Junker

Hillary Clinton called MAGA a “basket of deplorables” at a fundraiser and the media had a meltdown for years.

Donald Trump calls VP Kamala Harris “a ret@rd” at a fundraiser and the media is relatively silent.

Shameful. - Art Candee


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Business/Tech News

Trump belittles auto workers, saying they just assemble parts “out of a box” and says children could do their jobs: “We could have children do it” - The Other 98%

This Is The Media's Fault. I Have Watched For Decades Republicans Claim on TV That They Are Better On The Economy With Little Or No Correction.
More Americans think the economy would fare better under former President Trump than Vice President Harris in a new survey, even as many economists say they expect higher inflation and slower growth under Trump.

And just like that, the ocean stood up and spat our garbage back at us.

The NYT called Trump’s bats**t insane thirty nine minute long rally-stage psycho swaying to random music an “improvisational departure.”

It was a departure alright.
From f**king reality. - JoJoFromJerz



  1. On the candy corn thing, whatever age I am today is when I first found out about the corn on the cob thing. I may have to re-evaluate my whole life.

    Jim Billings,
    Living a former life of ignorance!

    1. You are not alone Jim! Maybe we should form a support group...as long as I don't have to eat any of it! 🤮

  2. OT: I have been screaming for days about Trump campaign saying he will be at Madison Square Garden on Oct. 27 that never seemed to be true. Yesterday, his campaign announced it again and today Bulwark has a big article about it, but it is still info that is sketchy as hell! There are a couple of sites with links to get your 2 free tickets…I have tried to get tickets and each time I get a [500 SERVER ERROR] message. Maybe ’cause I’m TX Democrat or maybe it’s bullshit or maybe an incompetent campaign can’t run a ticket site…take your pick. However, there is also a journalist reporting that on Oct. 27, Trump/Vance is having an major fundraising event. Invitation Only/RSVP with tickets from $5K to almost $1M!! (at the Garden?)! I don’t think you’re gonna mix that group with free-ticket MAGAts, so it’s all still strange!! The link to the invitation is:
