Monday, September 30, 2024

Let Them Eat Chicken Tenders!

Former President Donald Trump surprised college football fans on Saturday in Alabama with an unusual gift.
Trump was seen tossing several boxes of chicken tenders to excited fans at Bryant-Denny Stadium at the Alabama vs. Georgia game.

He tosses paper towels and chicken nuggets at people, but not money!

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

It doesn’t start with Kristallnacht. 
It doesn’t start with gas chambers. 
It doesn’t start with concentration camps. 

It starts with saying immigrants eat your pets. - Andrea Junker

Who Is Going To Execute This Chaos? RoboCop?

BREAKING: Major party candidate for president calls for “a really violent day” of national bloodletting

THAT is your damn headline, mainstream media outlets.

If you run literally anything else, the blood is on your hands too — because the man inciting violence makes you money. - Tristan Snell

Republican Shenanigans

The fact that millions of Americans believe he's better with the economy shows the power of propaganda. - The Other 98%

Hillary Wonders What Will Be Kamala's Pizzagate.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned of an October surprise that will “distort and pervert” Vice President Harris...“I mean, look, I mean, the crazy story about me running a child trafficking operation out of a basement of a pizzeria,” Clinton said.

The irony of Trump complaining that rapists are being allowed to come into the country. - Alex Cole


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Rock The Voter News

Week before Hurricane: 

Please evacuate, and go to somewhere safe!

MAGA: Don’t tell us what to do, it’s fake news!!!

Week after the hurricane

MAGA: Why won’t Biden save us? - Alex Cole

If your pastor lives in a mansion, you definitely paid for it. - John Collins

The Supreme Court in Brazil has barred Bolsonaro from running for president until 2030.

The U.S. Supreme Court has granted Trump full immunity.

I hate living in a banana republic. - Captain Obvious

If Trump Cares So Much About His Own Safety, Then Quit Golfing And Quit Outdoor Venues.

Attacking Kamala Harris’s intelligence after getting completely rolled by her for two hours in a debate seems to be a pretty low-IQ strategy. - Heath Mayo


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Business/Tech News

“I love climate change. Think of all the new waterfront properties.” — Donald Trump

Verizon Outages

Conservatives hate education because the more educated a person is, the more likely they will vote liberal. - Alex Cole

Heartbreaking. And This Type Of Hurricane Will Be More Frequent.

Quick report on my way to Ashville to join @WCKitchen teams, from a @WaffleHouse in Abingdon, picking up sandwiches for any hungry first responder I may find in the way! Proud of the teams responding in many states from Florida to North Carolina plus our response in Acapulco. - Chef Jose Andres

I like presidents who provide federal assistance to red states after a natural disaster even though they will never vote for them. = Captain Obvious


My extra extra favorite version of Kris Kristofferson's "Me and Bobby McGee".

RIP Kris. You knew how to touch my soul.


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