Tuesday, August 20, 2024

‘We have him on the run now’: Hillary Clinton slams Trump during DNC speech

In her speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received a standing ovation, praised Vice President Kamala Harris and slammed former President Donald Trump.

"Donald Trump fell asleep in court and woke up a convicted felon." - Hillary Clinton

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Trump, a convicted felon citizen, no longer in any role as an elected official, conspiring with Netanyahu, to avoid peace, because it might help his political opponent, is pretty balls to the wall treason. Logan act.  A crime.

We still have laws here don't we? - Steven Pasquale


Trump Accuses DNC of Crushing Ecstasy Pills into United Center's Water Supply. - Andy Borowitz

Peaceful Protesters? I Sure Hope So. 

Republicans Quietly Stop Impeaching Biden After Realizing it Would Make Harris President Sooner. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

George Santos Pleads Guilty and Offers to Return His Olympic Gold Medals. - Andy Borowitz

I Guess This Is When Presidential Immunity Kicks In. Sigh.

“They didn’t even bother to wear their hoods…because they knew they had an ally in the White House.” - Joe Biden

On CNN last night, @davidaxelrod was upset Hillary didn't push back against the "lock him up" chants. For a certain generation of men, nothing she says or does is ever right, and they will be threatened by her until the day they die. - Frank Conniff

The worst part of election season is when women have to tell their greatest traumas in order to beg for our right to live knowing that some ham-scented brother-cousin is calling her a baby killer. - Stacey J. Spiehler


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Rock The Voter News

Harris Offers $10,000 Tax Credit for Households with Cats. - Andy Borowitz

You Know, The Obamas Will Set The Convention On Fire!

When I say reporters are thin skinned, look no further than them whining about the DNC running long last night and the accommodations for them (the press) not being up to their standards. Like, those were the two big takeaways  - scarylawyerguy


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Business/Tech News

The DNC looks like a snapshot of America.

The RNC looked like a snapshot of a country club in northern Georgia. - Alex Cole

More Boeing Inspections. Sheesh.

Hillary Clinton: "I wish my mother and Kamala's mother could see us, they would say "Keep going." Shirley and Geraldine would say, "Keep going.”

I voted for Shirley Chisholm in 1972, my first time voting for president at age 22. I am thankful to FSU's Strozier Library which was filled with current newspaper and magazine articles about her. When Hillary mentioned her last night, tears came to my eyes. They are now as I write this.




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes. It's true.



  1. On Monday, the most beautiful parts of the DNC were the times it was clear that people who love each other tear-up, cry, hug deeply, laugh raucously, and enjoy teasing each other as family. If you haven't seen this 0:20 video, please do so. A 60 year-old Governor/VP candidate gets the Dad treatment from his grown, professional kids! Can you imagine this in the Trump family?! Nope!! ☺️🥰https://youtube.com/shorts/zexO0eipXts?si=myhUCBI_Yur5W6JN

  2. To Theresa: There was a time when the wealthy were philanthropists to the point of their entire wealth, like Andrew Carnegie. Then Reagan came to town and, with him, came the cult of obscene, vulgar, ostentatious wealth, now referred to as "the parasite class." They demand only the best of everything for themselves (besides most of the world's wealth,) but would rather die before having to pay anything for the privilege.
