Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Democrats see Harris as boosting their chances for House majority

Democrats see Harris as boosting their chances for House majority
...Coming out of the party’s national convention in Chicago last week, a long list of lawmakers said the eleventh-hour roster change has led to a flood of new volunteers, a spike in campaign fundraising and a burst of new energy among base voters, all lending new hope that they’ll win back control of the lower chamber next year.

Can you feel it? There's a blue wave gaining energy out there - and when it hits, it's going to be massive. - adgirlMM

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Trump accuses Harris of being a communist

I was born in a communist regime. I know communism

Communism is the regime killing your greatgrandpa

Communism is having to flee the country

Harris is championing everyday Americans

That ain’t communism—that’s PATRIOTISM. - Lindy Li

Meanwhile, Back In Ukraine...

Trump Honors Those Who Helped Others Avoid Service at Tomb of the Unknown Podiatrist. - Andy Borowitz

I can’t believe folks thought George W was somehow gonna step up. Had you not seen his last name? - Noel Casler

Republican Shenanigans

The groomers aren’t in the schools.

They are in the churches. - John Collins

Actually, This Is A Good Way To Know Who Not To Choose

It's weird how illegal immigrants are voting illegally, stealing jobs from Americans, and bleeding our welfare system dry but they're so sneaky we can't catch them doing any of that. - Michael Little


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Rock The Voter News

This article—"Trump can win on character"—is where the NYT jumped the shark. This is truly absurd. The inability of top editors to say hey that makes no sense, is bizarre. - Toure


The Harris Campaign Is Really Enjoying The Trump Melt Down
Michael Tyler, the communications director for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign, taunted Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump over the ongoing debate over the rules that will govern Trump and Harris’s debate next month... Tyler took the opportunity to needle Trump by implying that his “handlers” don’t trust him.

Trump Claims Barron is Graduating from High School Again on Night of Debate. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Facebook Apologizes For Giving Mark Zuckerberg A Platform
- The Onion

Will The Media Fairly Treat Kamala For Their Uptick In Ratings Due To Her? Of Course Not.

And just like that, all media outlets stopped talking about the age and mental capacity of presidential candidates. - Kenny Akers

Jarrett just booked us international plane tickets on his phone and I almost had a heart attack. That is a laptop purchase, not a phone purchase. - Kate Feldman


1 comment:

  1. 🤨 How about a quick look at Jesse Watters misogyny in his personal life?:
    Jesse Watters had 2 daughters with his first wife. While still married to her, he had an affair with a young producer on his show and that caused his divorce. He married the young producer and now has a third daughter and a son! The kicker is his story of how he got the young producer to start an affair with him. He tells the story on his show (thereby embarrassing both the first wife he was still married to and the second wife he belittled with how easily she fell for his “charms”), that he flattened the young producer's tires and then asked her if she needed a ride. He claims she “hopped right into his car,” like any good damsel-in-distress who isn’t smart enough to be afraid of her stalker! That isn’t me shaming the women…that was all him and I hope his daughters (and son) can overcome the POS that sired them!
