Tuesday, July 30, 2024

More voters say Harris has right temperament compared with Trump: Poll

More voters say Harris has right temperament compared with Trump: Poll
...A Harvard CAPS/Harris poll found 45 percent of respondents said Harris has the right temperament for the job, while 35 percent said the same about Trump. Fourteen percent said neither have the right temperament, and 6 percent said they were unsure. 

The bottom is falling out for the Trump campaign. - Brett Meiselas

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

The Secret Service agents are rigorously trained to immediately remove the president or anyone they protect, from danger. The SS lollygagged for 2 minutes when trump was "shot". Pence refused to go with the SS on Jan. 6. Since when does a president or vice president tell the SS what to do? Everyone they protect is at risk at this very moment. Something's rotten. Very rotten. 

Putin Is Probably Smiling or Laughing...
The Kremlin is turning to unwitting Americans and commercial public relations firms in Russia to spread disinformation about the U.S. presidential race, top intelligence officials said Monday, detailing the latest efforts by America's adversaries to shape public opinion ahead of the 2024 election.

I guess it's hard to separate church from state when you can't even separate fact from fiction. - The Other 98%

Republican Shenanigans

Burying your ex on your golf course is really f--king weird. - Rick Lenzie

The people who confused the Last Supper with Greek Mythology are the same people who want to eliminate the Department of Education. - The Other 98%

I, Personally, Have Never Seen Trump Laugh. A Grin, But Not A Smile.
Former President Donald Trump went after the way Vice President Kamala Harris laughs, telling Fox News that her chuckle indicates she is “a crazy person.”

Who killed the border bill in 2013-2014? Boehner and Republicans. Who killed the border bill in 2023-2024? Trump and Republicans. - Blue Progress

Harris: 34 years in public service

Trump: 34 felony convictions.
The choice is clear. - Alex Cole

Selfless Move By Gov. Roy Cooper
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper opted not to be a candidate in Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate search in part due to concerns that his Republican lieutenant governor would try to assume control if he left the state to campaign as part of the Democratic ticket, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Am I the only person who does not care who VP is because I have complete faith in Kamala Harris and it doesn’t matter to me who she picks? - AnnaMaria


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Business/Tech News

Trump outsourced his VP selection to Eric and Don Jr, who I wouldn’t trust to choose a pizza topping. - Andy Borowitz

Paging Merrick Garland, There Is A National Security Risk In Operation. In Public. He's A Repeat Offender.

Maybe more Republicans would believe in Climate Change if we'd refer to it as the Weather Rapture.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Costa Rica Air Force.



  1. Your air force is just one of the many benefits of good parroting.

    1. Careycal64...Score! 🤗

  2. Photo of Kamala and Doug! My cockles are so warm! Keep holding each other tight...more ugly daggers are coming! 💝

  3. Crazy Doggy Daddys for Harris.


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