Thursday, December 14, 2023

Dozens of Texas businesses back challenge to abortion ban: ‘This is why our economy is taking a hit’

Dozens of Texas businesses back challenge to abortion ban: ‘This is why our economy is taking a hit’
Ambiguities in Texas’s abortion ban are making it harder for businesses in the state to recruit, a coalition of businesses argued Thursday. 

It was Texas women who won the right to abortion 50 years ago.

It’s Texas women who will help win it back in 2024. - Beto O'Rourke

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

BREAKING: the House will vote to impeach President Biden for the crime of not having stolen the 2020 election. - Randi Mayem Singer

Congress Sends Bipartisan Middle Finger To Trump

Republicans Accuse Biden of Being Barely Conscious Senile Codger Who is Also a Criminal Mastermind - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

House Republicans Vote to Impeach Commander Biden. - Andy Borowitz

Oh, Goody, Republican Infighting!
The rocky relationship between Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), a rising conservative populist star, is in the spotlight after McConnell played a leading role in killing a Hawley-sponsored amendment to the annual defense bill.

Let me see if I have this straight — Donald Trump didn’t show up to testify in court this week, and Rudy Giuliani didn’t show up to testify in court this week, but Hunter Biden showed up and asked for his testimony to be shown to the public, and MAGA is calling HIM a coward? - JoJoFromJerz


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Rock The Voter News

I don't know about you, but I'd vote for Hunter Biden over Donald Trump seven days a week. - MayoIsSpicyy

The Loser Loses Again. I Wish He'd Just Flee The Country!

If they really think Joe Biden is a criminal, they probably shouldn’t be trying to set the precedent that he has absolute immunity. - John Collins


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Business/Tech News

The Dow Jones crossed 37,000 for the first time in history.

News Outlets: How that’s bad news for Joe Biden. - USASingers

Meanwhile, The Rich Get Richer
Amazon does not have to pay €250 million ($273 million) in back taxes to Luxembourg, the top court in the European Union ruled Thursday, marking a defeat for the EU’s crackdown on sweetheart tax deals for multinationals.

We have Jack Smith chasing Trump. They have jack asses chasing Biden. - Jeremy Newberger


🤠Today is AllHatNoCattle's 23rd Birthday🎂

On this date in 2000 I purchased the domain name after watching Governor Jeb Bush interfere with the election by ignoring the Florida Supreme Court to recount the votes statewide. Jeb went to the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the vote counting.

My husband was a stringer for AP at the time and he was collecting vote totals from the Florida panhandle. He knew something was wrong when all the election offices were giving him a hard time trying to gather vote totals after the Florida Supreme Court ordered a statewide recount (the first one by the way). It was all for naught as the very next day the U.S. Supreme Court handed the election to George Bush with no statewide recount. The votes in my county were never recounted.

Jeb Bush wrote the playbook for election interference. He also removed about 40,000 people of color from the voting rolls prior to the 2000 election.

After eight bloody war years of Bush and the economy he crashed, Americans regained their sanity and voted in Barack Obama. Many viewers thought I would quit AHNC because a Democrat was president. Nope, that didn't happen. But I did get cancer in 2009 and had no health insurance.

With no help from my husband who was drunk in some bar somewhere, my viewers lifted me out of a horrible situation and that allowed me to continue with AHNC. At the same time my son survived a 15 story fall from his apartment building in China. 2009 was the worst year of our lives.

With the help of you, my viewers, I was able to get cancer care in Costa Rica where I had property. You all literally saved my life. It was easy to recover in the Obama years, so much less stress.

The punch in my AHNC gut was the 2016 election. Dear Gawd, Trump? That sleazy NY developer? Instead of Hillary? We're doomed!

Well, almost doomed, but Americans regained their sanity, again, and elected Joe Biden. And here we go again.

I have considered it an honor to service your humor needs for the past 23 years.

Thank you with all of my heart,



  1. Happy Birthday, AHNC!!! Keep up the great work, sweetie! :-)

  2. The song I used to sing as a kid and never stopped: 🎶🎂 "Hippo, birdy, 2 ewes!!" 🦛🐦🐑🐑

  3. Congrats on 23 years! I always enjoy your site and look forward to it every week.
