Wednesday, October 18, 2023

House GOP Chaos Continues as Jordan Loses Speaker Vote—Again

House GOP Chaos Continues as Jordan Loses Speaker Vote—Again
For the second time in 24 hours, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) has failed to win the speakership on the House floor, pushing the right-wing leader's ambitions to the brink and bringing lawmakers closer to empowering an interim speaker after two weeks of legislative paralysis.

Jim Jordan Claims House Republicans' Minds Are Being Controlled by Hunter Biden's Laptop. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The baby Jesus was the last homeless person Republicans liked. - Andy Borowitz

He's Trying To Get Her Killed!
Former President Donald Trump lashed out at New York Attorney General Letitia James over the fraud trial currently playing out — then posted a link to her home address despite already being under a gag order in the case.

Republicans: "We want four more years of the guy who showed Kid Rock top secret maps of North Korea and asked for advice." - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

President Joe Biden went into a war zone today that is raining bombs.

President Donald Trump wouldn't go into a French cemetery to honor our troops because it was raining rain. - Mrrs. Betty Bowers

Dear God, A Reliable GOP Donor to Trump and DeSantis Attempted a Murder/Suicide. 

Jim Jordan getting ABUSED on the House floor. No one stepping up to protect him. Fitting, is it not? - Don Lewis


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Rock The Voter News

S.E. Cupp: The right is broken, and no one is coming to fix it. 

I'm So Old, I Remember The Chinese Forced Down a U.S. Spy Plane in 2001
The Pentagon has released footage of some of the more than 180 intercepts of U.S. warplanes by Chinese aircraft that have occurred in the last two years — more than the total amount over the previous decade and part of a trend U.S. military officials called concerning.

Jefferies was within 5 votes of being Speaker. 


If Republicans had any shame at all, the entire party would die of embarrassment at this point. - Stonekettle


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Business/Tech News

A friend who works at the CIA told me they’re replacing water boarding with Fox News programming. - Sundae Divine

It would be a cold day in HELL before I ever gave Elon Musk my credit card information. - MayoIsSpicyy

I like how Joe Biden is showing support without throwing paper towels at anyone. - John Collins



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Schist Disk, uncovered by renowned British Egyptologist Brian Walter Emery while excavating the tomb of Prince Sabu, son of Adjuib Pharaoh, governor of the First Dynasty (circa 3000 BCE), was found among some common funerary objects.  The method used to craft the Schist Disk remains unknown. It continues to confound craftsmen even after two centuries. It looks like a chariot hubcap to me.


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