Monday, September 25, 2023

Trump suggests Mark Milley should be executed

Donald Trump made a series of aggressive comments on social media about outgoing head of the Joint C54hiefs Mark Milley, suggesting the top ...

I like presidents who never ask for their political enemies to be killed. - Captain Obvious

General Mark Milley: "If left to his own devices, Trump could start a nuclear war out of brute stupidity"

Meanwhile, In Russia...
A top Russian official warned that Ukraine must surrender on Moscow's terms or the country will "cease to exist," and Ukraine claimed to have killed a top Russian admiral in Crimea as the war dragged into its 20th month with no solution in sight.

It’s insane to me that the orange traitor who aligns himself with Putin, incited a violent insurrection as part of his bigger seditious coup plot, called for the death of a high ranking US military official and is pushing for a govt shutdown is allowed to run for President. - Ricky Davila

President Biden knows MSM would have gone easier on him of he didn’t say he was ‘gonna make the wealthy pay their fair share’ but he said it anyway because it’s the right thing to do. The boys in the backrooms don’t dig it so they send word from Water Mill: ‘Find me some polls..’ - Noel Casler

This Is Gonna Be A Bloodbath and Quite Entertaining!
It’s on! Fox News has confirmed that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) and California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) will go head-to-head with each other in a debate to be moderated by Sean Hannity.

So let me get this straight

Washington Post is slamming General Milley—who was a bulwark of democracy during Trump’s reign of chaos—as “polarizing”

But have NOTHING to say about how Trump is now calling for the summary EXECUTION of the same General?!

You gotta be kidding me  -Lindy Li

Kevin McCarthy is not the Speaker. He’s a spectator. - Rep. Eric Swalwell

2024 Presidential election could well be a choice between democracy and dictatorship.  We have never seen that before among major party candidates in American history. - Michael Beschloss

I Love Maxine Waters
California Democrat Maxine Waters ranted and raged during an interview with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart on Sunday, trashing Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the rest of the GOP in an over-the-top series of insults.

Trump said he “got the job done” when he was President. What job?  He is the first President since Hoover to post a net job loss and said injecting bleach might cure Covid. - Barbra Streisand


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Business/Tech News Writers Guild And Hollywood Studios Reach Tentative Deal to End Strike

So when the f-ck does trump get arrested for his death threats and incitement of violence? Asking for a nation that’s had it up to here with his bs. scarylarry

Amazon AI? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Amazon said on Monday that it’s investing up to $4 billion into the artificial intelligence company Anthropic in exchange for partial ownership and Anthropic’s greater use of Amazon Web Services (AWS), the e-commerce giant’s cloud computing platform.

Anyone else old enough to remember when ALL Americans thought Russia was our enemy? - William Bueker



  1. I had those same ears when I was six. I’m afraid they will return in my seventies. Taco looks like he can hear me typing from your casa. Congratulations.

  2. Welcome home, Taco! 🤗

  3. All ears and legs. Nice.

  4. Yeah for you (and Taco), Lisa. 🙂

  5. Congratulations! He's beautiful. Hoping he helps heal your heart.

    1. Luna is till present in my heart but Taco makes me smile again!

  6. OMG!! Taco is exactly the comfort food you needed and deserve!! Congrats to you both!! 😋🌮🥰

  7. If only humans were as nice as dogs.

  8. Welcome Taco! You've got a wonderful life ahead of you with your new family.

  9. Pretzelogic in Philly, PASeptember 26, 2023 at 5:05 PM

    D'awwww. Who doesn't love Tacos? Great picture; I just wanted to reach right through my screen and gently boop that adorable little snoot!
