Thursday, September 21, 2023

McCarthy Fumes at House Republicans Who Tanked Spending Vote: They ‘Just Want to Burn the Place Down’

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has lost patience with conservative rebels in his caucus after losing a procedural vote to begin debate on a defense funding bill on Thursday.

Yeah House Republicans are a disaster but I find myself being grateful every day they don’t attack the US Capitol and assault a bunch of cops. - Adam Parkhomenko

It seems President Zelenskyy requested an opportunity to address a joint session of Congress, but that worm of a man, Kevin McCarthy, refused him. Kevin has always been a spineless coward, and he deserves every bit of misery coming to him as his own party turns on him. - George Takei

New York Governor Tells Migrants That New York Is Full.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) wants to send a clear message for migrants who might seek refuge in the Empire State: “Go somewhere else.”...“You have to be certain that you’re not going to take a supportive policy that’s going to draw more people, because places like New York really are at capacity,” argued Hochul.

Republican Shenanigans

It’s crazy how the media is sticking with their “democrats in disarray” narrative while republicans are literally voting down their own budget. - Santiago Mayer

Apparently, Trump Never Read How to Win Friends & Influence People

If you're Rudy Giuliani, what's better than leading a coup?

Leading a coup -- and putting his hand up the skirt of a female staffer while watching the coup on TV, while co-conspirator John Eastman leered with a grin.

These are literally some of the worst people in America. - Tristan Snell

Roe v. Wade has been replaced by Republicans v. Women. - Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

Breaking: Sen. John Fetterman to wear a suit to the Senate but it will be a TAN one. - George takei

I Learned The Effects of Torture In Psych 101 in 1972
A military medical panel has concluded that one of the five 9/11 defendants held at the Guantanamo Bay naval base has been rendered delusional and psychotic by the torture he underwent years ago while in CIA custody.

Yesterday the United States signed the High Seas Treaty, which supports biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction and will help establish marine protected areas on the high seas. The global community is one step closer to conserving 30% of the ocean by 2030. - Secretary Antony Blinken


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Business/Tech News

The Republican Party's biggest obstacle to building a "working class" coalition is the Republican Party's hatred of workers. - Michael Rosenberg

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” 
- Carl Sagan, Cosmos



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This is called the swan yacht which does not have a helipad. Sheesh.


1 comment:

  1. No point in buying a yacht with no polo arena
