Tuesday, September 12, 2023

McCarthy calls for formal impeachment inquiry into Biden amid pressure from conservatives

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced Tuesday he is calling on his committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden...

No one tell Republicans that if they do succeed in removing Biden from office...

...we'll get the nation's first black female president. 

Let it be a surprise. - Stonekettle

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Donald Trump must be f-ing heartbroken that he didn't get invited to Vlad Putin and Kim Jong-un's big despot sleepover. - Jeff Tiedrich

l like hearing "Don't politicize 9/11" from people who politicized 9/11 to justify torture & invade the wrong country. - John Fugelsang

Marjorie Taylor Greene demanded that states secede from our union on the 22nd anniversary of 9/11

Mike Flynn calls for civil war

Bannon is threatening 4000 shock troops against our Capitol

Tuberville is weakening our military 

The coup was an inside job and it’s still ONGOING. - Lindy Li

Republican Shenanigans

An NFL 9/11 truther getting knocked out of his first career NY start on 9/11 is some cosmic poetic sh*t. - JustJoshFromNH

MAGA: “How dare Biden be in Alaska on 9/11.”

“Trump invited Taliban to Camp David on 9/11.” - NotHoodlum

Republican Up To His Neck In Corruption, Wants His Corrupt Money Back. LOL. Good Luck With That.

No decent human being should still be voting Republican. - John Pavlovitz


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Rock The Voter News

Biden is 80.
Trump is 77.
Biden is lean, active, walks, bikes, does pilates.
Trump is overweight, sedentary, rides a golf cart, eats fast food, has memory problems.
Why are there dozens of stories on Biden's age and fitness but none on Trump's? It's media malpractice, right? - Victoria Brownworth

More Catholic Sex Abuse Revealed In Switzerland
A sweeping, year-long study of sex abuse by Catholic priests and others in Switzerland published Tuesday has turned up more than 1,000 cases since the mid-20th century, as the Swiss church becomes the latest in Europe to reckon with the abuse scandal.

Trump Calls Biden Pathetic For Needing Hunter’s Help to Get Impeached. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Musk now says he wouldn’t have screwed Ukraine in Crimea had the White House asked him not to.

So... is he now admitting that he was consulting with the Kremlin but *not* the White House on how to handle Starlink in Ukraine?

What the hell? Why not check in with the White House? - Seth Abramson

Google Is About To Get Googled
The Justice Department is accusing Google of shouldering out competitors by making deals with phone makers to be the dominant search engine on their devices. The trial begins Tuesday and could go on for weeks.

Seize the moments of happiness, love & be loved...the only reality in the world, all else is folly. - Leo Tolstoy

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