Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Luna Lives!

The best girl is recovering. She didn't wake up from her surgery for hours yesterday and the outlook was grim as her organs were shutting down. But last night the vet sent a photo of her eating. It was a miracle.

I visited her today and she was a hap hap happy dog. She had so much to say. If all goes well, I can bring her home tomorrow.

Here is a video from 2015

I'll return on Thursday, as I need to spend tomorrow caring for Luna.

Thank you for visiting!

Peace and Love for Luna.


  1. Yay for Luna! And the caring vet! Hugs to you!

  2. To put a twist on an old sentiment, if the dog ain’t well, ain’t nobody well. Glad things are looking up!

  3. So happy for you and Luna!

  4. Yeah! Great news!
