Monday, July 24, 2023

Democratic memo takes aim at GOP-released FBI form with Biden-Burisma allegations

Democratic memo takes aim at GOP-released FBI form with Biden-Burisma allegations
...The uncorroborated allegations of Biden corruption and bribery related to his son’s business relationship with Ukrainian energy company Burisma were part of an FBI form released by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) last week...The FBI last week admonished Comer and Grassley for releasing the form.


Shocker. - CoffeyTimeNews tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I suggest we waterboard DeSantis after he's picked cotton for fourteen hours, and see if he got any benefit from it. - justiceputnam tweet

Texas Governor One Ups Florida Governor
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Monday informed the Biden administration that he will not comply with the Justice Department’s (DOJ) request to remove the floating barriers in the Rio Grande River and was prepared to battle the administration in court.

Under Netanyahu’s corrupt rule, his parliament just passed a law that strips Israel’s Supreme Court of power to block government decisions.

THIS is the main reason why the GQP love him so much. The don’t support democracy in Israel, they support the fascist far right takeover. - Ricky Davila tweet

Republican Shenanigans

'Merica: Where One Alabama Senator Can Bring The Pentagon Promotions To A Screeching Halt

Because Tuberville is blocking 650 military appointments 

Biden has to deploy 3K reserve troops

20 high-ranking officials will delay retiring 

Marines have no leader for the 1st time

National security is threatened

Tuberville is even MORE dangerous than our foreign enemies. - Lindy Li tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Donald Trump could get indicted 100 times with 1,000 charges and he’d still be the Republican nominee. - TheUSASingers tweet

Didn't Think Florida Could Get Any Worse? 
Think Again: Cocaine Sharks
These days, the list of reasons to stay out of Florida feels like it grows longer by the minute. But even if you take politics and stifling summer heat out of the equation (as hard as that may be), there are still plenty of reasons to be afraid of Georgia’s dingleberry. Florida Man and Florida Woman could be lurking around any corner, as could alligators, an abundance of venomous snakes and even mosquitos carrying malaria. Now, though, you can add a new fear to the list — cocaine sharks.

Texas Agrees To Humanely Stun Migrants Before Drowning Them. - The Onion tweet


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Business/Tech News

Elon Musk to Change Twitter Logo From Bird to Dumpster Fire. - Andy Borowitz

Passport Backlog!

Wow. Two summer blockbusters which have nothing to do with superhero dudes in lycra! One a “chick flick,” and one a “serious adult film.”  Gee, Hollywood producers…There may be a clue there! - LMplusG tweet aka x

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