Thursday, June 15, 2023

White House blasts Tuberville’s hold on military nominations

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre slammed Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) for holding up some 200 Pentagon nominees over a Defense Department abortion policy, calling the lawmaker “shameful” and accusing him of endangering national security.

"May you live in interesting times." Chinese proverb. 
OK, not this interesting. We've had enough. - Stevie Joe Payne tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Melania Trump Seen Wearing “I Don't Care” Jacket. - Andy Borowitz

Don't Forget, Folks, Another GOP Shutdown Is Looming
Senate Republicans are worried the House GOP’s decision to write government funding bills at levels below those laid out in the recently-passed bipartisan debt ceiling bill will create a tough road for lawmakers to avert a government shutdown.

Mike Pence tied Donald Trump for the highest unfavorable number of all politicians tested in a new Quinnipiac poll. Both men have a 59% unfavorable view. - Kyle Griffin - MSNBC

Republican Shenanigans

DeSantis Considers Committing Federal Crime to Boost Flagging Poll Numbers. - Andy Borowitz

Florida: Wait, Wait, I Have Another Florida Man To Add To The Presidential Candidate's List

Nikki Haley Announces She Will Marry Trump If Elected President. - The Onion tweet

Official Documents Mysteriously Missing From Miami Courthouse. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

The only people coming for MAGA are the Trumps, with their hands out. - Tim Hannan tweet

Grifter Versus Shyster
For months, right-wing agitator Steve Bannon has been squaring off with his former lawyers over unpaid legal bills. But Bannon is finally starting to explain why he didn’t pay at least one person on his legal team—to the tune of a half-million dollars—and the whole story sounds a lot more complex than his lawyers would like everyone to believe.

If you're saying that Donald Trump blabbed secret military plans to "his golf buddies", and that it's "no big deal", you gotta remember that his golf buddies are the goddamn Saudi royal family. - Liam Nissan tweet


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Business/Tech News

I gotta say, it takes a real asshole to steal national secrets, hide em in your bathroom, and then say “come get me!” Which proves what I been saying all along. Real asshole. - Ron Perlman tweet

Hackers Hack U.S. Federal Agencies
Several U.S. federal agencies were hacked in a widespread cyberattack that exploits a vulnerability in software used by the government and private companies, CNN first reported on Thursday.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced Thursday that is currently investigating the origins of the attack and working with government agencies to determine its scope...

Weren’t all of us vaccinated folks supposed to be dead by now? - Hamish Mitchell tweet

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