Monday, March 13, 2023

Ron DeSantis posed with a handmade snowflake. It had the word 'fascist' written all over it.

DeSantis posed with what appeared to be a framed cutout of a snowflake. He did not seem to notice the word "fascist" hidden in every branch.

Florida is no longer governed much as it has been abducted.  It was always low hanging fruit for predatory greaseballs like DeSantis. There’s a reason Trump & Epstein both posted up in Palm Beach and why both men were given a pass by local gov’t for their trafficking biz. - Noel Casler tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Doctors Say McConnell With Concussion Is As Sharp As Rand Paul Without One. - Andy Borowitz

DeSantis Puts The Duh In Floriduh

Dominion Voting Systems Plans To Fire Tucker Carlson After It Owns Fox News. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans have quite a scam going:
* Roll back business regulations.
* Collect $$ from big business. 
* When trains derail and banks fail because of lax regulations, blame the Democrats. - Marc Jacob tweet

Oh, Look, Giuliani Rears His Ugly Head!
...Appearing on Newsmax Saturday, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani roiled over the idea that Trump could be indicted for his role in the hush money payouts to Stormy Daniels. Trump’s invitation to testify before the grand jury is widely thought to be a signal that he is about to be indicted. But to Giuliani, the idea that Trump would be prosecuted is absurd. He likened Trump’s offenses to those of former President Bill Clinton, and his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

I want to live in the United States that would have existed if we'd listened to Anita Hill, Dr. Blasey Ford, and Hillary Clinton. - blisterpearl tweet


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Rock The Voter News

An honest question for you, Mike_Pence, after your attempted joke this weekend. If your grandchild was born prematurely and placed on a ventilator at two months old - their tiny fingers wrapped around yours as the monitors beep in the background - where would you be? - Chasten Buttigieg tweet

Repealing Roe v. Wade.

Rolling back child labor laws.

Increasing the retirement age to 70.

It's like Republicans are protecting the unborn so they can work from cradle to grave. - Middle Age Riot

With Liberty and Justice for All Some...

Donald Trump slashed rail regulations and a toxic train derailed. Donald Trump slashed banking regulations and a major bank failed. if only we could find some common thread linking these events, - Jeff Tiedrich tweet


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Business/Tech News

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA): “Social Security is the Silicon Valley Bank of retirement systems.”

Apparently, This Is The Arkansas Version Of The Good Old Days

It's 4:34 AM and every 12 year old in Arkansas is getting ready for work. - theliamnissan tweet

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