Thursday, March 16, 2023

Ron DeSantis Aide Watched Him Use Fingers to Eat Pudding

A report on Ron DeSantis claims that the Florida governor lacks certain social graces, which apparently includes an unseemly story about his ...

If there were a pill to make you smarter Republicans would want to ban that one, too. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Jeb Bush says history will 'be kind' to his brother, artfully avoiding the words 'vindicate,' 'validate' or 'redeem.' - John Fugelsang

1000 More People Can Be Charged Because of Jan 6

“I tell my wife if every person in America knew every single word of information we knew, this country would not be divided as it is right now.” ~ Special Grand Juror in Georgia

Republican Shenanigans

If you want to find a pedophile, just go up to any drag queen. 

And use her phone to google "youth pastors near me". - The Hoarse Whisperer tweet

Lordy, There Are Tapes
The Georgia grand jury that was tasked with investigating whether former President Trump interfered with the 2020 election has heard a recording of a phone call the former president had with a top state lawmaker, according to a report.

Look, I may not approve of Donald Trump using Truth Social to launder Russian mob money, but he was our president and I will defend to the death his right to be arrested, humiliated, stripped of his wealth, tried for his crimes and chucked straight the f*ck into some dark prison. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

If you think you've got it bad, just remember that some people have Ron DeSantis for a Governor. - John Collins tweet

Who Will Find The Downed Drone First?
Both the U.S. and Russia have signaled an interest in hunting for an advanced, $32 million drone downed over the Black Sea on Tuesday, but the search is complicated by the fact the unmanned aerial aircraft plunged into deep water near Crimea.


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Business/Tech News

When an anti-vaxxer takes ivermectin every day and tells his followers to do the same, then dies from the well-known side effects, it's not irony or karma, it's science.

Sweet, hilarious science. - Middle Age Riot

Mortgage Rates Dropping. Damn, That Biden!
The average long-term U.S. mortgage inched back down this week after five straight weeks of increases, good news for homebuyers as the housing market’s all-important spring buying season gets underway.

Hey Dads… quick question???

If your daughter attends the University of South Carolina or Clemson and she gets pregnant… do you want her to be executed for getting an abortion? - Billy Baldwin tweet


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