Thursday, March 9, 2023

Michigan Senate votes to repeal 1931 abortion ban

The Michigan law, which was invalidated by the 1973 high court decision but remained on the state's books, prohibits abortions even in cases of rape or incest,...

Republicans in state legislatures are blocking child marriage bans, weakening child labor laws, and preventing young victims of rape and incest from having abortions.

The only way for a child to be safe from Republicans is to remain a fetus. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The Sicknick family should sue Tucker Carlson like the Sandy Hook families sued Alex Jones. That’s the only way to prevent others from emulating Fox News. - Piyush Mittal

U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Declines Invitation From President Zelensky To Visit Ukraine. 

Republican Shenanigans

I wonder how employees of Fox "News" feel having to read depositions from Murdoch and the top hosts about how their entire network is a Nazi era level propaganda machine. Their own employees might burn the thing down so we don't have to. - BlackKnight10K

Trump Only Chooses The Best Lawyers!
Jenna Ellis, who served as an attorney for Donald Trump in the wake of the 2020 presidential election, admitted in a disciplinary hearing she misrepresented evidence on at least 10 occasions.

International women’s day is an annual reminder of how much happier we’d all be if the email lady had won in 2016. - 7Smite4 tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Today, Joe Biden is releasing a budget that slashes the deficit and raises taxes on the obscenely rich. 
today, Republicans are holding hearings because a social media app was mean to them. 
any questions - Jeff Tiedrich tweet

Trump Decision Making 101:

1. Trump thinks Stormy Daniels has a “Horse face.”

2. Trump paid to have sex with Stormy Daniels. - Jack Hopkins tweet


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Elon Musk Accidentally Includes Himself in Latest Round of Layoffs. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Rupert Murdoch Desperately Tries To Salvage FCC License By Declaring Fox News a Sci-fi Network. - Andy Borowitz

Former Snake Oil Salesman Selling $99 Book

Rolling Stone asked Jimmy Kimmel if there’s something on his bucket list. Kimmel: “Yes, there is one thing on my bucket list that I want to do. I want to visit Donald Trump in prison and interview him from jail.”



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Hoshizuna-no-Hama is a beach on Iriomote Island in Okinawa, Japan, famous for its unique sand composed of tiny star-shaped shells.


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