Monday, March 6, 2023

Michelle Obama Goes After Trump’s Inauguration in New Podcast For Amazon: ‘There Weren’t That Many People There’

Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s new Audible podcast will launch Tuesday but her first episode will highlight an old foe, former President Donald Trump.
In a clip from the first episode titled, Kids Just Want Our Gladness, exclusively released to PEOPLE Magazine, Obama described inauguration day 2017 to Today host Hoda Kotb.

Fun fact: two years in, Joe Biden's 0 golf trips have wasted exactly 0 taxpayer dollars. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Republican politicians are the only Russian assets in the U.S. that haven't been frozen. - Middle Age Riot tweet

The Children Snatchers

When is the Department of Defense going to stop broadcasting Fox News on its military bases? - Steven Beschloss tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Trump says he will continue to run even if he’s indicted. Merrick Garland, it’s up to you to accommodate him. - Rob Reiner tweet

The Odd Couple Are Divorcing

Pity poor Newt Gingrich, doomed to wake each morning into a world he helped create. - Jeff Tiedrich tweet


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Rock The Voter News

It’s hard to fully accept or overstate how many families and friendships have been damaged or broken by the ugly combination of Donald Trump and Fox News. - Steven Beschloss tweet

Poke Me In The Eye With A Sharp Stick News: Florida Gov. DeSantis Wants To Make America Florida.

Watch how quickly “health problems” crop up once Donald Trump is indicted. He’ll go from “live to be 200” to “so frail he’ll be lucky to see daylight” overnight. Just watch. Mark it down under “Jack said…” - Jack Hopkins tweet


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Business/Tech News

Aren’t you glad Norfolk Southern doesn’t run an airline? - NotHoodlum tweet

White House Hints Biden Won't Attend The Coronation Of King Charles. I'd Be Surprised If He Doesn't Attend.

California won't be doing business with Walgreens -- or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women's lives at risk. - Gov. Gavin Newsom



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A lighthouse in Andros, Greece.


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