Thursday, March 2, 2023

Lauren Boebert Flunks U.S. Geography As Map Meme Backfires Badly

Lauren Boebert (R-Colo. was given a quick geography lesson on Twitter after she tweeted a U.S. map with some very notable omissions. Boebert, who has embraced some QAnon...

Lauren Boebert is so dumb she could throw herself on the ground and miss. - JoJoFromJerz tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Invades Moldova 1992
Flattens Grozny 1999
Uses polonium in UK 2006
Cyber attacks Estonia 2007
Invades Georgia 2008
Invades Crimea & Eastern Ukraine 2014
Downs MH17 2014
Flattens Aleppo 2015
Uses Novicok 2018
Invades Ukraine more 2022

Also Russia: West is so aggressive. - Darth Putin tweet

Pence Is An Expressionless Q-Tip
In a sit-down interview with CBS News, former Vice President Mike Pence refused twice to state that he would back his former boss, Donald Trump, if the former president secures the Republican nomination in 2024.

Donald Trump will be speaking at CPAC this weekend- in reality he should be speaking in the prison rec room. But this is what happens when the justice system fails us. Trump waged a coup and a terrorist attack 2 years and 54 days ago but walks free. Only in the USA! - Dean Obeidallah tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Rupert Murdoch Calls Telling Truth Under Oath Worst Experience of His Life. - Andy Borowitz

Americans Favor Making All Fox News Hosts Do Their Shows Under Oath. - Andy Borowitz

I don't remember David Hogg calling for a safe space 
after he was harassed by Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Fox News host Sean Hannity interviewed controversial Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Tuesday night after the Georgia congresswoman claimed on Twitter she was “attacked” by an “insane woman” in a restaurant. The conversation between Hannity and Greene eventually led to Greene calling for a MAGA “safe space.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene Can Dish It Out But Can't Take It.  This is from 2018.

Yesterday I challenged NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre to a debate. But have heard nothing from the NRA. Guess they will remain keyboard warriors. Seems they aren't as tough and manly as they claim to be if they are too scared to have Wayne debate me. Cowards. - David Hogg tweet


Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

McCarthy Releasing All of the Jan 6 Footage May Backfire
House Democrats are shaping a strategy to push back against the public broadcast of Jan. 6 surveillance footage recently provided by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who is promising to air clips on his popular prime-time program in the coming weeks.

Teachers are the vaccine against future Republicans. - Middle Age Riot

Students Declare Themselves Banks To Make Government Forgive Their Debts. - Andy Borowitz

King Charles Is A Royal Prick.

Surprising that the Royal Frogmore Cottage is being converted into a holding facility for people accused of sex offences - John Cleese tweet




  1. You didn't come back on Wednesday...

    GOOD! More rest for you is NEVER a problem and if needed, ALWAYS a good thing.


  2. Thanks Augustino. Apparently, I can't keep track of days anymore!
