Thursday, January 12, 2023

White House confirms Biden aides located Obama-era classified documents at two locations in Wilmington home

White House confirms Biden aides located Obama-era classified documents at two locations in Wilmington home
President Joe Biden’s aides located documents with classified markings at two locations inside his home in Wilmington, Delaware, the White House counsel’s office said in a statement Thursday.
The documents were located in a storage area in Biden’s garage and an adjacent room, the statement reads. Biden frequently spends weekends at the home, located in a wealthy, wooded enclave on a lake.

Biden Is Lying About Documents, Claims George Santos. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

That’s it. We’re coming for your guns and your gas stoves. We will sauté the sh*t out of those guns.
- Imspeaking13 tweet

Apparently, Classified Documents Do Not Have A Chain of Command

Donald Trump has been up since 4:00 AM frantically stress-Truthing about Special Counsel Jack Smith and I'm enjoying every MF second of it. - Liam Nissan

Jack Smith is going to give Donald Trump a heart attack. - Mayo tweet

Republican Shenanigans

The craziest part about George Santos is that he, nor any House Republican are eager to reveal who George Santos really is. There’s been no demand for truth. It’s f*cking crazy. - Tim Hannan tweet

Missouri Debating To Legislate Appropriate Apparel For Female Legislators 

I personally hope George Santos DOESN'T resign.

Because it will be fun watching the feds embarrass the GOP by indicting his "half black" "Jew-ish" ass and dragging him out of the House on national tv. - BlackKnight10K tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Do you remember when the FBI announced an investigation into Hillary a week before the 2016 election?

Judge Allows The Damning Words Trump Uttered Entered As Evidence
A federal judge ruled Wednesday that prosecutors can use video of then-President Donald Trump telling the far-right group the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” in the trial against several of the group’s leaders charged with seditious conspiracy.

At this week’s ANTIFA meeting, we will practice the fine art of gas stove disassembly and transport in the dead of night. - Imspeaking13 tweet


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Business/Tech News

Jonas Salk, inventor of polio vaccine: "There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?"

Frederick Banting, inventor of insulin: "Insulin does not belong to me. It belongs to the world."

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel: 400% price hike on COVID vaccine is "consistent with the value." - Warren Gunnels tweet

Apparently, the FAA Was Hacked By A Corrupted File...
Flights across the U.S. resumed Wednesday morning, several hours after the Federal Aviation Administration suffered a computer outage that forced it to halt all departures nationwide while it scrambled to resolve the issue...A corrupted file affected both the primary and the backup systems, a senior government official said Wednesday evening, adding that officials continue to investigate.

In 1974, to draw more crowds, the MLB's Cleveland Indians promoted beer at 10 cents per cup. 

Unfortunately, this just got the crowd so drunk that a woman flashed the umpire, a naked man stole 2nd base & a father and son mooned the bleachers.The game ended after a riot in the 9th inning. - Amazing Facts tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

In Japan, broken objects are often repaired with Gold. The flaw is seen as a unique piece of the object's history, which adds to its beauty. Consider this when you feel broken.
Credit: Martha Stewart


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