Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Lawmakers speak out as George Santos admits to lying about biography

New York Attorney General Letitia James' office said last week that she was looking into a number of issues raised about Santos.

That Republicans refuse to hold George Santos accountable for his deceptions, tells you they have learned nothing from their ordeal with Donald Trump. - 7veritas4 tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I bought a Russian advent calendar. Every time you open a window an oligarch falls out. - Gary Delaney

President Biden is a brilliant Commander in Chief. Using 5% of our military budget to support Ukraine's effort to defeat and expel Putin's Russian forces, he destroyed over 50% of their military capacity. That's a fantastic return on investment for Democracy. - Scott Huffman tweet

ATF UnGhosts Ghost Guns
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) issued an open letter to federal firearms dealers on Tuesday saying a rule that went into effect in August applies to certain partially completed pistol frames and parts kits, subjecting them to regulation...The rule requires the relevant firearm frames to have serial numbers and to be sold by licensed dealers who run background checks.

Politico Owes Meghan Markle An Apology 
For Fleet Streeting Her

The fact we keep asking who paid off all of Kavanaugh’s debt, and are now having to ask who funded George Santos….and, yet, we can’t get answers, is a statement of how broken things are. - Jack Hopkins tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Completely fabricating your resume will get you fired from Walmart but not the US Congress. - Tim Hannan tweet

Tulsi Gabbard Beotch Slaps George Santos
Rep.-elect George Santos had a difficult time explaining away the discrepancies in his résumé during a Fox News interview with Tulsi Gabbard, who came down hard on the New York Republican for his recent controversy.

Donald Trump was paid by Russia, extorted Ukraine to lie about Biden, attempted a coup to stay in power, stole classified documents, committed tax fraud, insurance fraud, he & his family made billions and you think Republicans care about Santos lying about his background? - WomanInTheMoon tweet


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Rock The Voter News

George Santos is "Jew-ish" in the same sense that Christian Nationalists are "Christian-ish"—in other words, they are not. At all. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Of Course, Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Backing George Santos 🗡
...In backing Santos, Marjorie Taylor Greene is defending a potentially crucial vote to help Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) win election as House Speaker. McCarthy can only afford four Republican defections, with the GOP holding a slender majority in the chamber. And with hardliners like Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and others insisting they won’t back McCarthy, Santos’s vote could loom large.

On this day in 1973, the Endangered Species Act was signed into law. Over the past 49 years, it has helped preserve plants and wildlife for future generations.  

From the bald eagle to the island fox, we are thankful for the species this law has helped recover and save. - US Department of the Interior tweet


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Congress gave the airlines billions to keep them afloat during Covid.  With that money they still furloughed pilots and crew.  They have been playing catch up since.  
@SouthwestAir needs to answer a lot of questions.  The arrogance of the airlines needs to stop. - Rep. Adam Kinzinger

Business/Tech News

Elon: I’m Batman 

The market: bitch you ain’t even Robin. - Adam Parkhomenko tweet

One Of Trump's Slimiest Advisers Wants The GOP To Dump Santos. What A World We Live In.
Donald Trump political adviser and Gettr CEO Jason Miller made his position on George Santos abundantly clear this week, calling for the Republican Party to dump the embattled congressman-elect.

"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead." — Thomas Paine



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

My friends are picking mandarin lemons which have an orange pulp.They have an order for 400 lemons from a nearby beach restaurant. Money really does grow on trees.


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