Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Trump v DeSantis: Republicans split over 2024 run and predict ‘blood on the floor’

Terri Burl was an early member of Women for Trump. As chair of her local Republican party branch in northern Wisconsin, she twice campaigned...

Can’t wait to see Trump make an ass of himself tonight. - Mike Sington tweet

Russia launched missiles that killed two people in a Nato country and if that really does start WW3, it's going to literally be the entire world vs Russia. - BlackKnight10K tweet

Why would Putin send bombs into Poland on the day of his favorite asset’s big announcement? - NotHoodlum tweet

The King of Grifters
During Donald Trump’s presidency, the governments of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Turkey, China and Malaysia spent hundreds of thousands of dollars at Trump International Hotel in Washington at the same time they were trying to influence U.S. foreign policy, according to investigative findings released Monday by the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

They won't arrest Trump during his announcement tonight. No, they'll wait until after the speech while he's waiting in the drive-thru at Hardee's. - Liam Nissan tweet

Republican Shenanigans

I’d like to congratulate my fellow entertainers Kari Lake and Dr Oz for not having to give up show business. - John Fugelsang

Does The Republican National Committee Need A New Leader? ROFLOL.

Republicans Blindsided That People Who Vote Believe in Democracy. - Andy Borowitz

Wait, the State of Georgia is not allowing early voting on a Saturday before the runoff election because of a holiday commemorating Confederate general Robert E. Lee’s birthday?!?!?

Are you f’ng kidding me? - JoJoFromJerz tweet

Manchin Fears Larger Democratic Majority Would Mean Fewer Opportunities To Be Dick. - Andy Borowitz

Georgia Is Sure Neck Deep In Trump

One year ago, I signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s infrastructure and competitiveness.

Since then, we turned "infrastructure week" from a punchline under my predecessor into "infrastructure decade" on my watch. - President Biden tweet


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Business/Tech News

guy with 8 followers: Mr. Elon sir, have you thought about replacing all data centers with an electrochemical potato battery.

Elon Musk: working on it now. - Ashwin Rodrigues tweet

Anyone Taking Bets That This Texan Is A Republican?

Why are Trump Republicans such bad losers? You'd think they would've had enough practice by now. - Middle Age Riot


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