Friday, November 4, 2022

Ron DeSantis Drops Ad Suggesting He Was Sent By God to Govern: ‘God Made a Fighter’

Ron DeSantis Drops Ad Suggesting He Was Sent By God to Govern: ‘God Made a Fighter’
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) released a very self-flattering campaign ad on Friday, one in which a narrator suggests the conservative governor is a “protector” created “on the eighth day” by God to protect paradise.

Ron DeSantis won his 2018 election by approximately 30,000 votes only because Trump endorsed him in primary. Now, he's running ad saying God created him on 8th day. - Daniel Uhlfelder

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Under Republicans, not another penny will go to Ukraine. - Marjorie Taylor Greene

 Ooo, Ooo, A Special Counsel?

Vote for Democrats: We never tried to assassinate House Speaker Paul Ryan. - BlackKnight10K tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Hiding Trump Organization money in a shell company called Trump Organization 2 - may not be as covert as the stable genius thinks. - anyonewantchips tweet

Oops. Republican Caught Trying To Stuff The Ballot Box. This Is Going To Be A Long Election.
A top Milwaukee elections official has been fired after sending falsely obtained military absentee ballots to the home of a Republican state lawmaker who has been an outspoken critic of how the 2020 election was administered, the city's mayor said Thursday.

This is why I love Twitter

Vasectomies are up, which is weird, because the MAGA hat was sufficient. - John Collins


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Rock The Voter News

63% of Americans would like the other 37% to get their heads out of their asses. - Mayo tweet

MSNBC Should Have Fired Chuck Todd or Andrea Mitchell...
Cross Connection host Tiffany Cross ripped Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and called Florida the “dick of the country” that should be “castrated” on Comedy Central hours before her ouster from MSNBC.

Mehmet Oz personally told Oprah not to get involved in his political race, but I guess Oprah was so tired of Oz telling women what to do that she officially came out & endorsed John Fetterman.

Oprah brought Oz into this world, now she will take him out. - Kyla In The Burgh tweet


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Business/Tech News

Someone should tell Elon Musk that the main reason "the left controls the internet" is because the right was too f*cking dumb to invent it. - Liam Nissan

How Not To Fight COVID-19

You meet saints everywhere. They can be anywhere. They are people behaving decently in an indecent society. - Kurt Vonnegut



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This is Mars. I wonder how that trench was formed .Was it formed by an ancient river or a skipping asteroid?


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