Friday, October 21, 2022


The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol issued a subpoena Friday to Donald Trump, exercising its subpoena...

It’s Official. Trump’s been subpoenaed by the Jan. 6 Committee to testify about his plan to violently overthrow our Government. If he refuses to honor the subpoena, he and Bannon can be cell mates. - Rob Reiner

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Steve Bannon: sentenced 
Donald Trump: subpoenaed 
Hillary: enjoying a nice walk in the woods, probably

me: laughing at all you 'lock her up' morons. - Jeff Tiedrich

I’d love it if Trump went to prison but I’d settle for Lindsey Graham. - Andy Borowitz

Lindsey Graham refusing to testify at the Georgia Grand Jury, unless they provide a fainting couch. - NotHoodlum tweet

Trump Will Continue To Show Off Classified Material...Until He's Imprisoned
 Highly sensitive intelligence on Iran and China was in some of the documents recovered by the FBI during an August search of former U.S. President Donald Trump's home in Florida, The Washington Post reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the matter.

THE UK's Tories are as broken a party as the GOP--actually discussing returning Boris Johnson to office, just like the Republicans think Donald Trump would be less scandal-ridden a second time. What a colossal embarrassment. - Victoria Brownworth

Republican Shenanigans


Weird, How The Media Never Mentions That Jeb Bush Interfered In A Presidential Election
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R) shrugged off former President Donald Trump’s suggestion that his father George H.W. Bush mishandled government documents upon leaving office.

The political news the past week has been unhelpful. Telling voters their chances of winning an election looks grim is a form of voter suppression. - Christophe Bouzy

Joe Biden doesn't ask his supporters to pay his legal fees because he doesn't have any legal fees. - Middle Age Riot

DeSantis' Bait & Switch Election Arrest Thrown Out Of Court

Explosives in drop boxes. Rainbow fentanyl in Halloween candy. Cancel culture. Black mermaids. Gay cartoon characters. Liberals grooming kids to be trans. Wouldn’t it be wild if Republicans were afraid of actual things? - OhNoSheTwitnt

The worst crime rates in America are in red states — and the worst inflation rates in the world are in far-right countries. - Tristan Snell

Pfizer Plans On Quadrupling COVID-19 Vax Price. What?

Vote for Republicans: if you want trickle down economics to destroy the American economy in a month the same way it destroyed the British economy. - BlackKnight110K tweet

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