Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Biden administration demands Arizona remove shipping containers in gaps along border

Biden administration demands Arizona remove shipping containers in gaps along border
The Biden administration on Friday demanded that Arizona remove several dozen shipping containers that the state placed in gaps along its southern border with Mexico.
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation said in a letter on Friday that several of the double-stacked shipping containers lay within its lands and those of the Cocopah Indian Tribe’s West Reservation without their permission, violating federal law and constituting trespassing. 

Did Mexico ever pay for the border wall? Of course not and Steve Bannon is going to the pokey for defrauding people out of their border wall donations.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Instead of endless reports telling us how Trump ripped us off how about compiling the amounts and sending him a bill. And if he doesn't pay put liens on his properties. - Henry M. Rosenberg

Russian Mayor: Sorry For Your Loss, Here Is A Potato
“Сожалею о вашей потере, вот картошка.”

If there really was a Jewish Space Laser, Donald Trump would be a pile of orange ashes. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

Herschel Walker Claims He Is Honorary Power Ranger. - Andy Borowitz

Apparently, Republicans Believe More Democrats Than Republicans Won't Put A Date On Their Mail In Ballots
National and state Republicans asked the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Sunday to exercise its rare “King’s Bench” authority to block undated mail ballots cast in the midterm elections.

Chris Christie knew all along Trump showed classified docs to Mar-a-Lago guests

He is only NOW telling us

He also told Trump to mock Biden’s son so he would stutter more, left office in disgrace w/ a 12% approval & lied about Bridgegate

So please stop rehabilitating this fool. - Lindy Li


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Rock The Voter News

I love how the Bible is abundantly clear that rich ppl will go to hell and everyone just kind of ignores that part. - taddy mason tweet

Florida Arrests People for Voter Fraud After They Told Them They Could Vote

Know who didn't gouge the secret service for a thousand bucks a night? every other f*cking president. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

Part of the reason the Republicans are competitive in these midterms is because their Republican corporate friends have been price gouging us at the grocery store and then blaming it on Biden and the pandemic. - Liam Nissan

Purify Your Water, It May Save Your Life

"Sandy Hook marked the end of the U.S. gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over.”
   - British Journalist, Dave Hodges


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