Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Trump goes golfing with aides – but no golf clubs – drawing comparisons to ‘mobsters’ and Ocean’s Eleven

Donald Trump was spotted on the greens of his Virginia golf course on Monday in a sighting that prompted wild speculation due in no small...

Trump and his golf course crew walked into a bar. The bartender hit them with subpoena coladas. - Don Lewis

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump  Republicans

Putin Claims Retreating Russian Army Is Just Trying Out for Olympic Track Team. - Andy Borowitz

NYT Reporter Maggie Haberman Cashes In On Two Year Old Information
“I’m just not going to leave.” That, apparently, is what former President Donald Trump told an aide in the days following the 2020 presidential election.
New York Times political reporter Maggie Haberman is widely respected for her meticulous chronicling of the machinations of the Donald Trump administration, and the access she gained to the strange collection of behind-the-scenes players—and even Trump himself...“Journalists who write books have a conflict of interest when they withhold valuable information so they can include it in their book, years in the future,” tweeted USA Today opinion columnist Michael J. Stern. “It stinks.”

SCOOP: Nuclear weapons to vaporize the earth tomorrow.

In an exclusive from her new book, Maggie Haberman reveals that three years ago, Vladimir Putin told her he planned to destroy the world on September 13, 2022 - DougJBaloon tweet

Benedict Arnold Wishes He Had Had Special Master. - Andy Borowitz

A reminder for Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon & others, just how fast life can change. - Jack Hopkins tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Lindsey Graham just announced that he will introduce legislation that proves Republicans do in fact hate all women. - BlackKnight10K tweet

Oh Goody! Another Investigation Of Trump!
The Senate Judiciary Committee will investigate whether former President Trump’s Justice Department attempted to use the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office to prosecute his critics and protect his allies, the panel’s chairman said. 

The Bill Barr Rehabilitation Tour just came to an abrupt halt. - rashavera tweet


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I get that some of you are closed minded. Can you also be closed mouthed? Thanks. - George Takei

Rock The Voter News

Lauren Boebert Claims Nineteenth Amendment Does Not Exist Because God Gave Moses Only Ten Amendments. - Andy Borowitz

UK Tells World Leaders To Get On The Bus


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Business/Tech News
The three largest employers in the United States in 2022 are Walmart, Amazon, and grand juries investigating Trump's crimes. - BlackKnight10K tweet

New York Times' Work From Home Staffers Are Threatening A Strike

I’m giving up drinking until Christmas. 

Sorry, that’s not right.  
I mean… I’m giving up.  Drinking until Christmas. - mariana z tweet


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