Thursday, September 15, 2022

Biden hails deal to avoid national rail strike as proof unions, companies can work together

Biden hails deal to avoid national rail strike as proof unions, companies can work together
President Biden on Thursday hailed the tentative agreement to avoid a nationwide railroad strike as proof that unions and management can work together, taking credit for his administration’s role in making that happen.

Biden's biggest Presidential scandal so far is that he went home to vote in an election. - BlackKnight10K tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump Republicans

If DeSantis wants to pay to help people escape a terrible place, he should start with Mississippi. - sumpeoplelikeit tweet

It Is The Cruelty...Again...Texas Messes With Kamala
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has sent two buses of migrants from the Lone Star State to Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., in his latest protest against the Biden administration’s immigration policies. 

I grow tired of saying this. So this will be the last time. Forcing your religion unto others is not religious freedom — it’s spiritual terrorism. - Lakota Man tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Admit it, "basket of deplorables" is pretty mild. I might have gone with "sackful of sociopaths."- Bruce Bacon

Trump Is Scared. LOL.
Former President Donald Trump warned the country will face “big problems” if he winds up getting indicted for illegally keeping the classified documents he had at Mar-a-Lago.

They should have named Build Back Better - Cleaning Up After Trump. That way we can avoid having to clarify how we got here in the first place. - Tim Hannan


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Rock The Voter News

Look around you. Those of us uniting to save democracy are the only real party of unity. We are black, white, brown…straight, gay, lesbian, transgender, gun owners, non-gun owners, the list goes on. WE represent the United States of America in an accurate manner. - Jack Hopkins tweet

Most Texans Love Messing With Migrants
A new poll published this week from the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas found that a majority of Texas voters support Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) busing migrants who have entered his state across the southern border to Democrat-controlled cities like New York, Chicago and Washington, DC.

Just got interrogated by a man at THE PHARMACY as to why I’m still wearing my N95. “All the studies say they don’t work” and then “I bet you have a pretty face under that mask” so yes I still hate men. - OhNoSheTwitnt


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Business/Tech News

The evening newscasts on network TV—and on the cable news channels—are  basically  drug marts. The anchors are the pushers. - Stephen King

Money can't buy him love from New York's attorney general.

On the BBC, Barack Obama said that the Queen invited Michelle and the girls to a private tea..  

Then, offered the girls a ride around the palace grounds in her golden carriage.. 

That's straight up fairy godmother level vacationing. - ShannonFreshour tweet


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Tito is repairing the damage.

Hot soup on a hot day is the Tico way.

Trimming the Hibiscus bushes behind the cabina. The hibiscus flowers are red and peach when in bloom.

See that hole in the is the size of a bullet hole. It was leaking. That is above the staircase. I wonder what happened there. It is about 12 feet above the staircase landing. It has since been repaired and painted.

I would not climb that ladder but Tito did to change the light bulb. Brave man.


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