Monday, May 9, 2022

White House condemns attack at Wisconsin anti-abortion office

The White House on Monday condemned an attack at an anti-abortion group’s office in Madison, Wis., the previous day, which police are investigating as arson.

It’s insane that the Supreme Court is regulating uteruses when throughout American history most of the disasters have been caused by penises.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

President Zelensky is the greatest comedian of all time. He turned Russia and its army into a joke. - Aaron Parnas

Italy Seizes Putin's Mega Yacht. LOL.
The Italian government on Friday froze a yacht with reported links to Russian President Vladimir Putin, blocking the vessel from leaving its port.

Republican Shenanigans

Every single Republican condemning the peaceful protesting outside Justice Kavanaugh's home today was absolutely silent when Christine Blasey Ford had to *actually move* because right-wing cranks were sending death threats right to her front door. - Max Burns

Meghan McCain Continues To Embarrass Her Father
The late Republican Sen. John McCain, a Republican, was frequently "embarrassed and appalled" by the conduct of his daughter, Meghan, a right-wing pundit, according to an eleven-part, tell-all Twitter thread published by John McCain's former presidential campaign manager, Steve Schmidt.

Kavanaugh Claims Protesters Outside Home Obstructing Daily Keg Delivery. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

I’m starting a GoFundMe to send Samuel Alito to law school. - Andy Borowitz


I'm Not Holding My Breath, Mr. Holder.
Former Attorney General Eric Holder believes former President Donald Trump should be indicted — in a reversal of his previous stance on that issue.

I don’t believe in reincarnation but a big part of me wants Barrett, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Gorsuch and Alito to come back as impoverished unwed pregnant teenagers.- Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Elon Musk is now tweeting out his plans for free speech and content moderation on Twitter by engaging in a discussion with [checks notes] a former Infowars host and pickup artist from the alt-right who promoted the crackpot Pizzagate conspiracy theory. - Brian Klaas

When The Media Makes Excuses For A White Republican.

If you can say My 401k, congrats, the one to thank is Jimmy Carter and the Revenue Act of 1978. You're welcome!


Update:  The shady people will soon be meeting the long arm of the law.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A massive flock of Flamingos at Lake Bogoria in Kenya.



  1. May the Fuerza be with you........

  2. You fuerza'd me to look that up.

  3. If you'd be willing, we'd be interested in what happened....
    "It is a sh*tshow down here"
