Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Chief Justice John Roberts Confirms Roe Draft Opinion is Real, Announces Investigation Into ‘Egregious’ Leak

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts confirmed the authenticity of Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked majority opinion foreshadowing the possible overturn of Roe v. Wade.
The Supreme Court released a statement on Tuesday acknowledging Politico’s publication of the opinion draft, which sparked massive uproar over the possible rollback of federal protections for abortion rights.

Whoever leaked the opinion - thank you and bless you.

Good news! Abortions will remain accessible as long as you were knocked up by a Republican politician. - OhNoSheTwitnt

John Roberts called for an FBI investigation into the leak of the decision

Yet he never called for the FBI to investigate:

Clarence Thomas’s wife for plotting to overthrow the govt & selling influence

The 4,500 tips about Kavanaugh’s misconduct

SCOTUS is utterly ILLEGITIMATE. - Lindy Li

Another Republican Not Buying Into Trump's Big Lie

I think there should be term limits for the Supreme Court. But failing that, I think there should be a cap on how many sexual assailants can serve on it. - Andy Borowitz

Let me put the abortion ban in terms Brett Kavanaugh will understand. Once upon a time, this country banned beer. That didn't work out too well. - Andy Borowitz

Will Trump Pay Washington, D.C. 750K?
Former President Donald Trump’s businesses and inaugural committee have reached a deal to pay Washington, D.C., $750,000 to resolve a lawsuit that alleged the committee overpaid for events at his hotel and enriched the former president’s family in the process, according to the District of Columbia’s attorney general.

“If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office..” - The very concerned Sen. Susan Collins


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Sooo…it appears the Supreme Court believes their opinions have a fundamental right to privacy…- Jon Stewart

Rock The Voter News

To read the Bible is to know I'm extremely pro-death. - The TweetOfGod

DOJ Sues Manafort For $3 Million
The Justice Department is suing Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chair, for almost $3 million in penalties related to his alleged failure to file reports disclosing more than 20 bank accounts he controlled in foreign countries, including Cyprus, the United Kingdom and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

While a sitting Supreme Court Justice’s spouse is trying to overthrow the government, don’t tell us about “egregious leaks”. - NotHoodlum tweet


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Business/Tech News

If Koch Industries owned a chain of abortion clinics none of this would be happening. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Doesn't Want To Pay His 10K a Day Court Fine. Poor Baby.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Moraine Lake is a glacially fed lake in Banff National Park, Canada.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Lisa, that was a great entry!

    Larry Storch on "F Troop" as "Ze Burglar of BANN-ff-ff!" He's in my brain all of a sudden...! lol

