Friday, April 8, 2022

Surgery is tonight

I am a bit scared. Say a little prayer or send good vibes...even thoughts will help.

Thanks for visiting. 


  1. Best of luck...hope you're dancing again in no time.

  2. Focus on a good recovery with plenty of physical therapy and time spent healing.

  3. I sincerely hope that the surgery is successful and ultimately restores to you full mobility, and no pain. Please keep us informed? especially if we can help?

  4. You are in my thoughts. Let surgery be a breeze and the recovery quick. Been reading your AHNC blog for years. Good work. I look forward to your future posts.

  5. Soon, it will all be a foggy memory, and you'll get in your groove again...

  6. Good luck! You've been a big part of keeping me sane these past few years. May your surgery be uneventful and your recovery swift. Just know that there are a lot of us pulling for you.

  7. Best hopes and thoughts for your quick recovery. Don't fear the surgery, the drugs are fabulous and the analgesic lasts for at least a day after you come to. However, we faithful readers will not be satisfied until we know the rest of the story. How do you fall in a living room in a traumatic enough way to result in this severe an injury? Did you fall from the balcony onto the living room floor? C'mon, give us the deets!
    Just kidding. It's your prerogative. No shame in keeping it to yourself. Either tell us or don't. (Or just tell me. I'm in my living room, by myself. No one else is around. I won't tell a soul.)
    Excruciatingly beautiful x-ray pictures, by the way. They give me the willies! Oh, and if those are thunder thighs, then I'm Thor.
    Get well, we miss you already.
