Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Russia Bites Back With Comical List of Sanctions on Biden, Blinken and... Hillary

Russia Bites Back With Comical List of Sanctions on Biden, Blinken and... Hillary
Russia has decided to respond to U.S. sanctions with its own seemingly random list of sanctions for current and former U.S. officials who are unlikely to be affected in any way. 

I would wear a Russian sanction like a f*cking badge of honor. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

There are more Russians speaking out against the war in Ukraine than Republicans. - John Collins

Germany Is Upgrading Their Air Force.

I still can't believe that even the Taliban looked at what Putin is doing in Ukraine and were like nah bro, you took it too far. - BlackKnight10K

Republican Shenanigans

Here’s the deal. We send Madison Cawthorn, Tucker Carlson and Ron DeSantis on a one-way trip to Moscow — and see how long they last in Putin’s Russia. - Lakota Man tweet

Imagine The U.S. Supreme Court Proceedings Televised.

The trucker convoy just endlessly going around in circles on the Beltway, 10 miles outside the Capitol, claiming victory but accomplishing nothing and just disrupting life for the rest of us — yes that sounds like the far right in a nutshell. - Tristan Snell


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Rock The Voter News

Today Russia sanctioned Hillary Clinton, but not Donald Trump.

That doesn’t seem like a coincidence. - Jack Cocchiarella

The Slow Arm of U.S Justice Reaching For Julian Assange

Perhaps America’s oligarchs—Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos—could send the armed security they employ to protect their mansions to protect President Zelensky. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

The only safe industries left for growth are medical cannabis, tattoo removal and Trump defense attorneys. - John Fugelsang

Boeing Outsources 737 MAX Completion to China
A Boeing 737 MAX jet that took off from Seattle on Monday is en route to the manufacturer's completion plant in China, two industry sources said, in a sign the model is closer to returning to commercial flights there after a three-year grounding.

The funniest thing so far today is Putin sanctioning Hillary. - Barbara Malmet


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