Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy St. Patrick's Day - Rand Paul Upset Ukrainians Aren’t Paying for American Weapons

Rand Paul Upset Ukrainians Aren’t Paying for American Weapons: ‘They Should Be Sales, Not Gifts’
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) expressed his displeasure with the fact that the United States is giving assistance to help Ukrainians fight Russia’s invasion rather than making them pay for it.

Rand Paul is such a tool.

Poll Shows Zelensky Leading 2024 US Presidential Race. - Andy Borowitz

I wish all refugees were being as welcomed as the Ukrainian refugees are. - Molly Jong-Fast

Putin Wants WWIII. He's Itching For It.
Russia warned the United States on Thursday that Moscow had the might to put the world's pre-eminent superpower in its place and accused the West of stoking a wild Russophobic plot to tear Russia apart.

Putin must be defeated, and Ukraine must prevail.
But America's true enemy ... lies within. - duty2warn tweet

Marjorie Taylor Greene is the commander and chief of the gazpacho police. - Tristan Snell

Congressional Aide Reported GOP Senator

It seems my mistake was sending slaves to 'liberate' a free people. - Darth Putin tweet


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Rock The Voter News

So very glad Hunter Biden's father is the president. - John Pavlovitz

House Puts Daylight Savings Time On Hold

A few days away from Putin blaming setbacks on Critical Race Theory. - Scott Shapiro


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Good Lord, Save Us! They're Coming!

Business/Tech News

Today we celebrate St. Patrick, patron saint of totally amateur alcoholics. - John Fugelsang

Unhappy St. Patrick's Day For This Oligarch!

Every superyacht looks like something which the ultimate villain from a James Bond film would own. -4everNevertrump tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Akhal-Teke is a magnificent Turkmen horse breed. They have a metallic sheen to their coat.


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