Tuesday, March 29, 2022

DOJ wants to hire 131 more lawyers to help with Jan. 6 prosecutions

...Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said on Monday that the Jan. 6 investigation is "among the most wide-ranging and most complex that this department has ever undertaken."

The January 6 Committee in essence asked a question many Americans are asking… what is going on at the DOJ? Either Merrick Garland is working on one heckuva an investigation and nothing has leaked, or…- Dan Rather


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Maybe Trump’s 7 hours of missing call logs from Jan 6th are on Hunter Biden’s laptop. - Tim Hannan

Putin For Peace? 

Putin is not “choosing” to stop his assault on Kyiv. Ukrainians are repelling Russian soldiers around the capital. - Michael McFaul

Republican Shenanigans

It is incredibly clear that Donald Trump violated the Presidential Records Act.

Under Title 18, Section 2071 of the US Code, anyone who violates this act will be barred from running for public office. - Jack Cocchiarella

Now, This Is A Conspiracy Theory! With Cats!
A Nebraska state lawmaker apologized on Monday after he publicly cited a persistent but debunked rumor alleging that schools are placing litter boxes in school bathrooms to accommodate children who self-identify as cats.

Anonymous, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 7.5 hour gap in Trump's phone log that is missing. - Jon Cooper


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Rock The Voter News

Cocaine & Orgies in D.C.? Who? Ginni & Clarence? Ew.

Madison Cawthorn, Karen Pence, and Callista Gingrich. Get the visual. You're welcome. - Hmish Mitchell

Donald Trump, the master of self-congratulation. His picture should be next to NARCISSIST in the dictionary.
Stephen King


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Business/Tech News

CBS News just hired Trump’s Budget Director and Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, who helped orchestrate the extortion of Zelenskyy, to “break down” President Biden’s plan to make billionaires pay their fair share.

You cannot make this stuff up. - NoliewithBTC tweet

Methinks Russian Soldiers Drink Too Much Vodka
Weeks after Russian soldiers took over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine, new reports reveal that the invading forces have engaged in reckless behavior at the facility beyond their initial shelling of it...

What we basically have right now is All the President's Men snapped up for paid analyst gigs on news networks instead of prison. - Schooley tweet

I kind of get Trump having a seven hour gap on his call logs cause I turned off my doorbell camera last night so my wife would not know when Taco Bell arrived at 230am. - Dan Hernandez

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