Monday, March 21, 2022

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone radiation monitoring system not working, firm says

Ukraine's state nuclear operator announced on Monday that the automated radiation monitoring system in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is not functioning amid Russia's ongoing invasion of the country.

If Biden was a real man he'd handle this situation by playing golf at his club and charging us taxpayers millions to let his cabinet, staff & secret service stay there. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Republicans falsely say that immigrants bring crime and violence, but I am way more afraid of angry Trump supporters.-  Jon Cooper

Isn't It Illegal To Intimidate Voters, At Their Homes?

Trump ruined orange.
But Ukraine has made blue and yellow great again. - duty2warn tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Nothing excites a Republican senator more than the prospect of voting against a qualified Black woman. - Middle Age Riot

I Won't Say Anything Mean About Clarence Thomas If You Won't.

To me, the only litmus test for a Supreme Court nominee is this: Is their spouse as batsh*t crazy as Ginni Thomas? - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Republicans Accuse Supreme Court Nominee of Being Chosen By Biden. - Andy Borowitz

Surprise, Surprise. Trump Can't Hire People Who Are Tech Experts.

Senate Republicans have a 6-3 Supreme Court and still act like they've been treated unfairly in the nominations game. Just an amazing commitment to grievance politics. - Bill Scher


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Business/Tech News

what the f---, why isn't Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson crying or talking about how much she likes beer. you people promised me she knew how to nominee. - Jeff Tiedrich

Anonymous Has Been Busy With Putin's Printers
Ever since declaring war against Russian President Vladimir Putin, Anonymous, the decentralized international activist and hacktivist collective, has continued to relentlessly hit the Kremlin with attacks that are undermining the country's leadership and disrupting its narrative on the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. The latest is a printer hack, which allows the collective to send a message across the transcontinental country.

Sin can be forgiven, but stupid is forever. — Coco Chanel


Spring Fundraiser

Thank you so much!!!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Beauty is as beauty does.


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