Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Biden Approval Reaches 2022 High as President Gets Solid Marks on Ukraine, Still Less Than Half See Him as 'Mentally Fit'

Biden Approval Reaches 2022 High as President Gets Solid Marks on Ukraine, Still Less Than Half See Him as 'Mentally Fit'
Following last week’s State of the Union address, President Joe Biden’s approval rating has hit a 2022 high in one major survey, with respondents giving him solid marks on his handling of Ukraine.

"Trump in 2024" is another way of saying "Believe it or not, Republicans don't have anyone better." - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Tarrio arrested this morning and charged with: 

1) Conspiracy
2) Obstruction of official proceeding
3) Obstruction of LE
4/5) Destruction of Govt property and
6/7) Assaulting/Resisting/Impeding officers. 

7 counts in all.

Wouldn't want to be Roger Stone right now. - Peter Strzok 

Russia is a major oil producer that somehow cannot deliver enough gas to drive a tank the 163 miles to Kyiv. - Tristan Snell

Biden Bans Putin's Oil
President Joe Biden has decided to ban Russian oil imports, toughening the toll on Russia’s economy in retaliation for its invasion of Ukraine

If you want to get a Republican to shut up, ask them what country Benghazi is in. - Middle Age Riot

"I stand with Ukraine, but f*ck you, Biden, for making me pay higher gas prices" is going to be the stupidity we're gonna hear for months. - Rude Pundit tweet

Six States To Roll Back Concealed Weapons Requirements. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Legislators in half a dozen states are considering measures to roll back requirements that gun owners obtain permits and training before carrying concealed weapons, as Republican politicians race to show their support for gun rights ahead of primary and midterm elections this year.

For many Americans, the most profound legacy of the Trump era will be the painful knowledge that a significant portion of their friends, neighbors, and relatives are total fucking morons. - Middle Age Riot

I'm gonna be so mad if I find out “Chernobyl” was a prequel. - Stephen Colbert

Nation Could Really Use A Few Days Where It Isn’t Gripped By Something - The Onion

Putin Warns of $300 for a Barrel of Oil.
A Western ban on Russian oil imports may more than double the price to $300 a barrel and prompt the closure of the main gas pipeline to Germany, Moscow warned on Monday, as talks on Ukraine hardly advanced amid efforts to agree on civilian safe passage.

Vladimir Putin is an evil regressive authoritarian who murders & oppresses his own people.  

And THAT's why we're gonna buy more oil from our good pals the Saudis! - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

We CAN'T ban Russian oil. Gas prices will soar, people will drive less, and climate change will slow. Oh wait. - Andy Borowitz

Chinese Hackers Have Been Busy
Hackers working on behalf of the Chinese government broke into the computer networks of at least six state governments in the United States in the last year, according to a report released Tuesday by a private cybersecurity firm.

Next time gas go under $2 ima put some in the freezer. - Breezy tweet

Daniele Vitale. Imagine.


Almost halfway there!
Thank you!


The Popular Underwear for Sweater Girls in 1940s and 1950s -- the Bullet Bra. Rat-a-tat-tat.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Rainbow mountains - Peru.


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