Friday, February 11, 2022

Ohio mayor concerned ice shanties could lead to prostitution

The mayor of an upscale city outside Cleveland is making headlines again for a remark at a recent City Council meeting that allowing ice fishing shanties on a city lake could lead to prostitution.

Time to play America's favorite new game, What The F*ck Am I Waking Up To Now. - Jeff Tiedrich

It is amazing that we survived the previous administration. - John Collins

Arizona Republican Pokes The Bear
A Republican Senate candidate in Arizona, Jim Lamon, has posted a campaign ad showing him shooting a gun at President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), whose wife, former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot over a decade ago.

Members of Congress shouldn't be buying and selling stocks of the companies they're in charge of regulating.
It's as simple as that. - Sen. Mark Kelly

Republican Shenanigans

I for one am happy to see “Trump” and “toilet” in the same headlines. - Andy Borowitz

I Wonder What The CIA Has On Trump
Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) said in a letter that was partly declassified Thursday that the CIA has been collecting data in bulk in a secret program that could impact Americans' privacy.

Dear News Media: Unless your "Breaking" news story contains the word "Indicted!" you can just stop telling me about how you discovered yet another way Trump broke the law. - Jim Wright


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Rock The Voter News

Additional Trump Documents Retrieved By Roto-Rooter. - Andy Borowitz

Apparently, Cuomo Plans On Opening Pandora's Box
Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will file a complaint against state Attorney General Tish James with the judicial entity that has the power to disbar lawyers, his attorney said on Thursday.

Trump Forced Eric To Eat Four Years of Phone Logs. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Trump held Kim Jong-un’s hand more than he held Melania’s. ~ Jimmy Kimmel

My Super Bowl Menu: Wings. Wings, And More Wings. Oh, And Lots Of Bleu Cheese Dip.

It will be interesting to see if L.A. Rams fans are willing to travel all the way to L.A. to see the Super Bowl. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This is a 3200-year old attendance sheet found in Deir el-Medina, Egypt. Reasons for worker absence include "embalming brother", "brewing beer" and "bitten by scorpion." 


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