Thursday, December 16, 2021

Anderson Cooper Dings Jim Jordan: 'Not Sure That Shame or Embarrassment Is... Something That He Feels a Lot Of'

On Wednesday, a spokesperson for Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) confirmed that the congressman forwarded a text message to Trump White House chief-of-staff Mark Meadows on January 5th. That text outlined a fringe legal theory authored by former justice department official Joseph Schmitz, who outlined how he believed the 2020 presidential election results could be nullified.

I remember that time FOX was clamoring to have FBI agent Peter Strozk's private text messages read aloud on the floor by Congress. Karma is a bitch. - BlackKnight10K tweet

Tick Tock, Jim Jordan, Tick Tock

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

FUN FACT:  Of the 300 witnesses deposed by the January 6th Commission, only three have failed to cooperate: Clark, Bannon and Meadows.

Imagine how this is rippin' Trump inside this holiday season.. - Tea Pain tweet

Hannity Sent Texts Warning Trump That Capitol Riot Was Helping CNN’s Ratings. - Andy Borowitz

SCOTUS Has Started A Trend!
The New York attorney general told "The View" that she plans to follow Gov. Gavin Newsom’s lead to look at a law that empowers private citizens to enforce an assault weapons ban.

Fox is complaining about the public release of texts that show them guilty due to the words they said.

Republican Shenanigans

Texas is banning books, but they’re not going to burn them immediately, only for warmth when their power grid crashes in the winter again. - Taunt the Elephant/FB

Liz Cheney is hunting for information, and when a Cheney goes hunting someone gets hurt. - Andy Borowitz

The Navy Discharges Unvaxxed Sailors
The Navy has begun kicking out sailors who refuse to get the Covid-19 vaccine, but it won’t slap dishonorable discharges on anyone for their decision to ignore a direct order.

Jimmy Carter: Led a team of Navy engineers to repair a damaged nuclear reactor and was exposed to so much radiation his urine was radioactive for six months.

Donald Trump: "Person. Man. Woman. Camera. TV." - Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

You won’t find President Biden throwing paper towels at the crowd in Kentucky. He’s too busy delivering water, food, beds, and generators. - AvengerResister

People Who Demanded To See Hillary’s Emails Furious That People Can See Their Texts. - Andy Borowitz

Congressman Threatened By A Russian Politician
Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) has responded to a Russian politician calling for him to be kidnapped...After the Russian state TV program 60 Minutes on Wednesday played a clip of Gallego’s remarks, host Olga Skabeeva labeled Americans as “parasites” that “don’t know history.”


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Business/Tech News

Chris Wallace Ecstatic About Never Riding Elevator with Tucker Carlson Again. - Andy Borowitz

President Biden Touts Job Recovery. He Should.

Some people are going to leave a mark on this world, while others will leave a stain. — Eleanor Roosevelt


Whew. My Internet went out around noon yesterday and returned this morning. I hate when that happens!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I didn't know that India has a Great Wall.


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