President Trump taunted critics of his administration Thursday by gesturing to the White House during his convention speech and saying, "We're here and they're not."
The off-script moment came on the final night of the GOP convention as Trump addressed hundreds of people on the South Lawn of the White House to accept his party's nomination for president, breaking with a tradition of not using the building for campaign events.
Guess what, trump, no sane Democrat would want to be there at your coronafest.
Forget the Hatch Act violations, we're getting into a matter of life and death here. - Jake Tapper, CNN
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Horrified By Maskless White House Trump Speech: People Will Be Infected, Some 'May Even Die'
- Trump Pledges in RNC Speech: 'We'll Produce a Vaccine Before the End of the Year'
- 4 people at the RNC in Charlotte test positive for coronavirus, county says
- Mets, Marlins walk off the field after moment of silence
- Illinois teen charged in Kenosha fatal protest shooting
- Deadly Hurricane Laura leaves trail of destruction
A 17 year old white supremacist domestic terrorist drove across state lines, armed with an AR 15.
He shot and killed 2 people who had assembled to affirm the value, dignity, and worth of Black lives.
Fix your damn headlines. - Rep. Ayanna Pressley
I'd replace today's New York Times headline with this:
Trump Violates Hatch Act During Superspreader Event
"He had a knife." "He used a counterfeit $20 bill." "He was selling loose cigarettes." "He was playing with a toy gun in the park." "He walked home." "She was driving down to her new job." "She was asleep in her own house." "He complied and reached for his license, registration."
Here's Something No One EVER Said About Trump or Pence
The father of Jacob Blake said Friday that his hour-long conversation earlier this week with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris was akin to “speaking to my uncle and one of my sisters.”
“They were so comforting that you almost forgot how the situation was really playing out,” Jacob Blake Sr. told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day,” referring to Biden and Harris. “It was like I was speaking to my uncle and one of my sisters — literally, literally.”
Brian Williams described part of Trump's convention as a "gaslighting visible from space."
Republican Shenanigans
- Mary Trump Calls Ivanka's Speech 'Appalling': Just Because 'She Speaks More Softly' Doesn't Mean 'Her Lies Aren't Equally Vicious'
- Meghan McCain hits Ivanka Trump's defense of president's Twitter: It's not a 'communication style,' it's 'cruelty'
- Trump Spells Out His Own Name in Fireworks at End of RNC Speech
- Rudy Giuliani Paints the Big Apple as a Dystopian Hellscape in Bonkers RNC Speech: Don't Let Dems Do to the U.S. 'What They've Done to New York!'
- The Daily Show Takes Advantage of Melania's Lime-Colored RNC Dress for Greenscreen Mischief — Featuring Jeffrey Epstein
- Judge Reveals Process for Releasing More Secret Jeffrey Epstein Files. This Is Going to Take a While…
- University of Pennsylvania professor wants to investigate claim Trump faked admission exam
Trump Children Worried Aging Father Not Safe To Be Alone After Falling In Polls Again. - The Onion
Rand Paul Is Such A Drama Queen
Sen. Rand Paul tweeted early Friday morning that an “angry mob” of “over 100” attacked him as he left the Republican National Convention at the White House, thanking police for “literally saving our lives,” but video of the incident appears to show a much smaller crowd that didn’t touch Paul or his wife, and they seem to have sustained no injuries.
In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned of "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men" who might try "to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion"
When asked if she is a "radical liberal," or a "radical centrist," Sen. Kamala Harris says, "I am radically in love with my country." - Tim Perry, CBS
Rock The Voter News
- Biden snags 'Keep America Great' domain in latest act of Trump trolling
- Kamala Harris: Cop who shot Jacob Blake 'should be charged'
- Pelosi says Democrats would be OK with $2.2 trillion fiscal stimulus package
Seasonal rules aside, Obama should wear the tan suit to Biden’s inauguration. - Jason Kander
My My My, The House Is Launching Contempt Proceedings Against Pompeo. Bet He's Praying For The Rapture!
The House Foreign Affairs Committee is launching contempt proceedings against Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for what it says is his repeated refusal to cooperate with the committee's investigations.
Chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) cited Pompeo's refusal to turn over documents in the House's impeachment inquiry last fall as well as another subpoena seeking documents the State Department has already voluntarily turned over to a Republican-led Senate committee targeting former Vice President Joe Biden.
"I won’t stand by and see the Committee or the House treated with such disdain by anyone," Engel said in statement.
It sounds absurd to say it, but America is in the process of choosing whether to be a white nationalist fascist state or an inclusive democracy. That's not hyperbole, that's just where we are. - Ryan Avent
There is a very real chance that a year from now, as a post-Trump Republican Party looks at what went wrong, they’ll point to this RNC as a crescendo.
The Party reached one final fork in the road... and decided they’d just let the drunk guy drive even if it was over a cliff. - The Hoarse Whisperer tweet
Business/Tech News
- Home Sales Booming Despite Pandemic, Recession
- US consumer spending rose a moderate 1.9% in July
- Coke will offer buyouts to 4,000 workers in the US and Canada
- Coronavirus vaccine: Moderna is in talks with Japan for 40 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine
Yesterday, Jeff Bezos became the first man worth $200 billion.
30 million American households didn't have enough food this week.
Tax the rich. - Robert Reich
Apparently, Canada Doesn't Care For The Trump Brand. Smart People.
Three and a half years after it first opened its doors, Trump International Hotel and Tower Vancouver has permanently shuttered.
Sources wishing anonymity told Daily Hive Urbanized the hotel property has closed for good, and that staff were laid off today. At its peak, the hotel’s operations employed about 250 people.
Hey guys, wanna feel old?
I'm 40.
You're welcome. - Macaulay Culkin
Static Cat
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