Officials are considering other venues in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for President Donald Trump's first campaign rally since the coronavirus shutdown, Vice President Mike Pence said on Tuesday, as virus cases climb in Oklahoma and other states.
Donald Trump is forcing all attendees of his Tulsa rally to sign a waiver freeing him of liability if they die of stupid. - Middle Age Riot
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Oklahoma Governor Invites Donald Trump To Visit Site Of Tulsa Race Massacre
- 'Call me a snitch if you want': 911 dispatcher concerned about George Floyd's arrest, records show
- The FBI and Department of Justice will investigate the hanging deaths of two black men in California
- GOP’s Ron DeSantis ‘shooting himself in the foot’ on COVID-19 — and Floridians already regret trusting him to reopen
- Pensacola Beach sees busiest weekend to date since 2018
- Miss. Band of Choctaw Indians hardest hit in coronavirus pandemic, according to state health officials
- W.Va. sees coronavirus outbreaks in churches
- Tulsa health official warns Trump's upcoming rally could swamp local hospitals' COVID capacity
- Trump on coronavirus testing: ‘If we stopped testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any’
- North Korea demolishes liaison office with South
Did they find any white guys hanging from a tree or nah? - I Smoked Hydroxychloroquine tweet
Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine, Hello Dexamethasone!
A cheap and widely available drug can help save the lives of patients seriously ill with coronavirus.
The low-dose steroid treatment dexamethasone is a major breakthrough in the fight against the deadly virus, UK experts say.
The drug is part of the world's biggest trial testing existing treatments to see if they also work for coronavirus.
Still wading through the Supreme Court dissent. It's amazing how some Justices know for certain that "discrimination by sex" only referred to straight people in 1964, but are also certain that "right to bear arms" in 1789 referred to bazookas, flamethrowers, AR15s and whatnot. - Monica Hesse
Republican Shenanigans
- Donald Trump praises non-existent Aids vaccine during police reform briefing
- Trump cut off nephew’s medical care for cerebral palsy out of spite: report
- Trump Touted the Economy’s COVID Resilience While His Top Aide Dumped His Stocks
- GOP Rep. Tom Rice, wife and son have COVID-19
- Ted Cruz challenges actor Ron Perlman to wrestle Jim Jordan after feud with Matt Gaetz
- Ingraham Accuses Fauci Of Being ‘Medical Deep State’ In New Ridiculous Conspiracy Theory
- U.S. agency violated science policy by backing Trump hurricane tweet, report finds
- U.S.-born conspiracies get boost from Russia
Trump Says He Has No Health Issues That Would Interfere With Him Wrecking Country. - Andy Borowitz
Meanwhile, Trump & Republicans Continue Ransack Spending Bill, Unchecked.
Government watchdogs are warning Congress that the Trump admin has issued previously unknown legal rulings that could substantially block their ability to oversee more than $1 trillion in spending related to the coronavirus pandemic.
Jesus:-disdained wealth-rejected violence-commanded us to care for poor, sick & imprisoned;-opposed executing ppl-never condemned abortion-chased capitalists from the Temple-always took the side of the marginalized-was obviously paid to be a crisis actor by George Soros. - John Fugelsang
At a speech to announce police reform, Trump brags about how quickly the National Guard “put down” protests. - Helen Kennedy
Rock The Voter News
- Poll: Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in 50 years
- Biden pulls in massive $81M cash haul in May
- Biden's lead grows in Michigan and Florida, states where Trump narrowly won in 2016, new poll shows
You'd think Republicans would be more worried about protecting the Constitution.
It's the only thing preventing Barack Obama from being president again. - Middle Age Riot
So, Who's Running The CIA? The KGB?
Many of the Central Intelligence Agency’s most sensitive hacking tools were so poorly secured that it was only when WikiLeaks published them online in 2017 that the agency realized they had been compromised, according to a report released Tuesday.
Republicans think that you should be able to be fired for being gay but not for being a Confederate general who killed Americans to defend slavery. - LOLGOP
Business/Tech News
- FDA ends emergency use of hydroxychloroquine
- No, Shake Shack employees didn't poison any cops
- Roger Goodell Says He'd Welcome Colin Kaepernick Return to NFL: I 'Encourage' Teams to Sign Him
- Disney suspends ABC News executive Barbara Fedida under investigation for racism
NRA Receives Massive Funding Increase From Donors Held At Gunpoint. - The Onion
Trump Is Going To Get His Own TV Channel!
Two top officials at Voice of America resigned on Monday as an appointee of President Trump prepares to take control of the international network and other US federally-funded media operations. The resignations were long in the making.
This has definitely been hard on city animals... there is NO ONE around... Downtown is like a ghost town right now and, I just made the mistake of tossing a bit of my croissant to a pigeon... these mothaf-ckas descended on me like I was Tippi Hedren...- Cyrus McQueen
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