Tens of thousands of people chanting “no justice, no peace, no racist police” marched through central London on Wednesday to protest against racism after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
"We must take the high road. It's the only one left open to us." - Brenda von Tungeln
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- 3 more cops charged in George Floyd death, other officer's murder charge upgraded, Sen. Klobuchar says
- ‘I Stand by My Reporting’: MSNBC's Garrett Haake, Chuck Todd Push Back on Claim Tear Gas Wasn't Used Against DC Protestors
- Boris Johnson calls Floyd's death 'inexcusable'
- Florida governor De Santis says he's sending 500 National Guard troops to DC
- NYPD to 'review' incident after AP says journalists were shoved and told to leave
- Maui: Surfers hold paddle out in honor of George Floyd
- Trump plans military flyover at Mount Rushmore on July 3
For all you hippies having acid flashbacks to the 60s: those aren't flashbacks. - Stephen Colbert
Another One To Bite The Dust?
Secretary of Defense Mark Esper is on shaky ground with the White House after saying Wednesday that he does not support using active duty troops to quell the large-scale protests across the United States triggered by the death of George Floyd and those forces should only be used in a law enforcement role as a last resort.
Kim Jong-Un Claims Trump Stole His Idea of Using Military To Attack Americans. - Andy Borowitz
Republican Shenanigans
- GOP leader backs Esper on opposing Insurrection Act
- Laura Ingraham Claims Tear Gas Wasn't Used on Protestors, Gets Fact Checked By Reporters Who Were There
- Trump Accuses Joe Scarborough of Murder in Interview With Brian Kilmeade, Who Says Nothing
- Ted Cruz Blasts Rod Rosenstein, 'Corrupted and Politicized' DOJ in Senate Hearing: You Were Either 'Complicit' or 'Negligent'
- Pompeo's Guest List for Lavish 'Madison Dinners' Revealed: Major TV Hosts, GOP Donors, and More
- Kilmeade Calls Out Listener Who Wanted To Ask Trump About Protecting Confederate Statues: 'Hate To Tell You, They Lost'
- Sean Hannity and his wife to divorce after over 20 years of marriage: report
- Disgraced Iowa Rep. Steve King, With Long History of Bigoted Comments, Loses Primary
Iowa Steve King lost. I am the last Steve King standing.(Takes a bow.) - Stephen King
If 2020 was an album cover
So, How's Florida's Reopening Going?
On Wednesday, Florida saw its largest number of new cases of the coronavirus since mid-April as the state works to reopen its economy.
The Florida Department of Health announced the state has a total of 58,764 confirmed cases of the disease, a jump of 1,317 from the day before.
Can you imagine 4 more years of the last 4 days? - Vincent Evans

Rock The Voter News
- Obama to speak about George Floyd in virtual town hall
- Biden suggests police could shoot assailants 'in the leg instead of the heart'
- Appeals court mulls making Hillary Clinton testify on emails
- Democrats aim to amend Graham subpoena to include Trump allies
- Emergency department visits declined 42 percent in early days of pandemic: analysis
I want the national guard to arrest the looters in the white house. - Sarah Cooper
Oooh, Trump Is An Inspector, Too!
President Donald Trump spent several minutes claiming he wasn’t rushed to an underground bunker Friday because of protests, but rather was merely touring the facility for “inspection” purposes.
There are reports that the news coverage of Trump’s brief stint in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) upset Trump, and inspired him to stage the photo op at St. John’s Episcopal Church Monday afternoon.
Trump Hides Under Desk After Diet Coke Can Opens Loudly. - Andy Borowitz
From "I have a dream"
to "I have a nightmare."

‘This Face Will Be The Last Thing You See Before You Die,’ Says Trump In Healing Address To Nation. - The Onion
Business/Tech News
- Snap to stop promoting Trump's account because of threats against protesters
- Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Wendy's franchisee gives $200K more to Trump reelection campaign
- First lawsuit filed against Trump's social media order
- AMC Theatres doubts recovery after revenue drop due to coronavirus
It seems only fair that the people responsible for 40 million lost jobs should lose theirs. - Middle Age Riot
Major Study Warning Against Use of Hydroxychloroquine Questioned for Suspect Data
The World Health Organization and several national governments changed their coronavirus policies based on flawed data from healthcare analytic company Surgisphere, according to a new report from The Guardian.
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