Trump blows up effort to blunt impeachment damage
The White House's release of Trump's first Ukraine call runs into the president's own tweets.
The White House on Friday set out to cast President Donald Trump as above the fray of the impeachment proceedings on the second day of televised hearings.
By 11 a.m., that effort had run into Trump's Twitter feed.
Shady actors the world over have learned how little it takes to remove a U.S. ambassador who does not give them what they want. - Marie Yovanovitch
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Staffer Claims To Have Heard 2nd Call About Ukrainian ‘Investigations’
- White House budget official is prepared to testify on frozen Ukraine aid
- Trump shows GOP senators summary of his first call with Ukraine president
- Lindsey Graham Blocks Senate Resolution Condemning Armenian Genocide
- International students urged to leave Hong Kong as escalating violence pushes city to "edge of doom"
Remarkable: the day Yovanovitch was recalled for false allegations by Giuliani spread by Fox News and Donald Jr, she was attending an event honoring a woman who had acid thrown at her and later died for outing corruption in Ukraine. - Amy Siskind
Richard Nixon Is Finally Going To Prison
Jurors have reached a verdict in the trial of Roger Stone, a longtime friend and ally of President Donald Trump who was charged with lying to Congress and witness tampering.
The verdict came Friday, two hours after the jury began its second day of deliberations.
Do you think Roger will get a Trump tattoo in prison???? - irishrygirl
Republican Shenanigans
- McCarthy: My views on impeaching Trump won't change even if top diplomat's testimony is confirmed
- Chris Wallace on Yovanovitch testimony: "If you're not moved, you don't have a pulse."
- Bret Baier says Trump tweet added an article of impeachment in real time
- Trump says impeachment is ‘very hard on my family’
- Donald Trump Jr. may have bulk-purchased his own book to juice sales
- DOJ investigating GOP Rep. Ross Spano over alleged campaign-finance violations
- Judge slams feds over murky stance on McCabe
- Matt Bevin concedes Kentucky governor's race
Cohen: 3 yrs in prison
Manafort: 4 yrs in prison
Flynn: awaiting sentencing
Rudy's partners: arrested
Individual-1: getting his dipsh*t ass impeached
Hillary: enjoying a nice walk in the woods, probably
me: laughing at all you "lock her up" morons - Jeff Tiedrich
Rudy Has Under the Bus Insurance
President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani says in a new interview that he isn't worried about the prospect of the president turning on him, but joked that he has "very good insurance" in the event that he does.
If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
If you lie down with Donald Trump, you get up with jail time. - Middle Age Riot
Well. I think we can all agree that that the one reason Donald Trump is not currently in prison is that he's the president of the United States. - LOLGOP
Rock The Voter News
- Schiff accuses Trump of 'witness intimidation' for tweet attack on Yovanovitch
- House passes Ex-Im Bank reboot bill opposed by White House, McConnell
- Harris introduces bill to prevent California wildfires
Witness intimidation is a crime, no matter who does it. Full stop. - Hillary Clinton
America is not only the America of Donald Trump. It’s also the America of Maria Yavonovitch. - Dan Rather
FUN FACT: With a simple majority vote, the Senate could decide to make the vote on convicting Trump and removing him from office a SECRET ballot. - Jon Cooper
Business/Tech News
- NBC analysis: Day one impeachment testimony lacked ‘pizzazz.’ Social media: What?
- Hulu is raising price of its live TV service to $55 a month
- Alibaba Launches Mega Share Sale With $12 Billion Retail Tag
- Hong Kong in first recession for a decade amid protests
After today, can we put a moratorium on the use of the word pizzazz and start using razzle dazzle ? - Roland Scahill
Another Reason For Trump To Hate Bezos
The Washington Post reported Bezos may be interested in purchasing the Seattle Seahawks. According to Forbes, the Seahawks are valued at $2.7 billion, the 15th most valuable team in the NFL.
Roger Stone in happier times
Weird how a story about Hillary Clinton keeping emails in a different server never lacked pizzazz. - Jake Mccoby
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