Thursday night's debate on NBC was the highest-rated Democratic primary debate in history, according to overnight ratings.
Although full numbers have not yet been released, CNN Business reported Friday that the second night of the Democratic debate scored a 14.1 overnight rating, making it the highest-rated in history while beating out Wednesday night's total, which had just fallen shy of the previous record at 12.3.
It’s not time for a woman in the White House. It’s time for two. - Andy Borowitz
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Trump flashes a grin, tells Putin not to meddle in US election during first post-Mueller report meeting
- Trump can't help himself when it comes to Putin
- Trump jokes to Putin they should 'get rid' of journalists
Trump took a break from the G-20 summit to watch the Thursday-night contest and emerged from the viewing “ashen and trembling." - Andy Borowitz
Jimmy Carter Says Trump Is An Illegitimate President
Former President Jimmy Carter said Friday that he believes President Trump only won the 2016 election because Russia interfered to help him defeat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
“There’s no doubt that the Russians did interfere in the elections and I think the interference, although not yet quantified, if fully investigated would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016,” Carter said at an event in Leesburg, Va.
This was striking. Why are Jared and Ivanka at a meeting between Trump and Vladimir Putin? - Susan Glasser tweet
Republican Shenanigans
- Charlottesville attacker sentenced to life in prison
- Trump and Hannity review the Democratic debates: ‘The radical socialists on stage did not deliver’
- Meghan McCain and Joy Behar clash over Marianne Williamson
- Conservatives blast Roberts as turncoat
- House Ethics Committee investigating Gaetz over Cohen threats
- Chris Christie on Chuck Todd: 'The most pretentious know-it-all on network news'
- Supreme Court will hear arguments over DACA termination
- Supreme Court rejects Alabama's request to reconsider abortion ban that was blocked
Terrified Trump Writes Check To Biden Campaign - Andy Borowitz
‘It makes me angry’: Tillerson vents frustrations with Kushner
In a six-hour conversation with Capitol Hill aides, Rex Tillerson recounted his rocky tenure at the State Department...From the start, it was unclear what role Kushner as well his wife, Ivanka — Trump’s daughter — would play in policy making, Tillerson said. That “made it challenging for everyone, I think, in terms of how to deal with any activities that might be undertaken by others that were not defined within the national security process itself,” he said.
Based on this morning’s unauthorized use of @OzzyOsbourne’s “Crazy Train,” we are sending notice to the Trump campaign they are forbidden from using Ozzy’s music in political ads. Maybe @KayneWest (“Gold Digger”), @KidRock (“I Am the Bullgod”) or @TedNugent (“Stranglehold”)allow. - Sharon Osbourne tweet
Rock The Voter News
- Debate puts Biden on the defensive
- Andrew Yang accuses NBC of cutting off his mic
- California Democrats unveil redistricting reform bill after Supreme Court partisan gerrymandering ruling
- Buttigieg: Republicans have 'lost all claim to ever use religious language' over family separations
If men could get pregnant not only would abortion be legal, Donald Trump would be bragging over how many 3rd trimesters he'd had. - John Fugelsang
Today Is Sarah Sanders Last Day Of Lying To Us
Sarah Sanders is leaving the White House Friday, passing off the role of press secretary after more than two years to Stephanie Grisham.
Business/Tech News
- UN report: Two-thirds of drug use disorder deaths in 2017 were from opioid use
- Trump praises Japanese auto investment in U.S. as tariff threat looms
- Second US city bans facial recognition technology
- Taco Bell hotel reservations sell out in 2 minutes
My favorite part of the Bible is where Jesus gives money to the rich, tells the poor to suck it up and asks for Caesar's birth certificate. - Rex Huppke
Google Maps Lead to Chaos
Nearly a hundred Colorado drivers this week followed a digital Pied Piper into an empty field where they all got stuck.
A crash on Peña Boulevard in Denver chocked off access to the Denver International Airport on Sunday. So Google Maps suggested a detour to many of the drivers trying to get to flights or pick up arriving travelers.
Kamala Harris carves Joe Biden into tiny bits while Biden and Bernie Sanders show once again that they probably order pancakes loudly.
Also, Eric Trump receives a saliva donation in Chicago.
It’s all in America’s most-respected “Week in Review.“ - Rex Huppke
Thank you!
Yippee Ki Yay
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