The White House is expected to soon ask Congress for billions of dollars in emergency funding to deal with the humanitarian crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to multiple sources, although none of these funds will be used for a border wall.
If Mike Pence was actually a Christian he’d be at the border embracing and welcoming migrants.
Instead he calls them “illegals” while literally supporting a man who ripped off US vets w/an online scam. - John Fugelsang
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Street clashes erupt as Venezuela's Guaido urges uprising
- Erik Prince pitches mercenaries for Venezuela
- Trump accuses European countries of failing to help relocate ISIS prisoners
- Indonesia announced today that it's moving its capital because Jakarta is sinking into the sea.
- Sailors told to clap for Mike Pence like they’re at a strip club
Wild-Eyed Marco Rubio Embarks In Rowboat To Help Venezuela Coup Effort . - The Onion
FYI: We Can Thank George W. Bush For Erik Prince
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Tuesday he would make a criminal referral to the Justice Department for Erik Prince based on “strong evidence” that the Trump ally lied to Congress in 2017.
Schiff also said he believes Prince, the billionaire founder of a military contracting firm, misled the House Intelligence Committee by denying he was attempting to establish a back channel between Russia and Trump during the president’s transition.
Holy Guacamole! Trump's campaign is now callin' Trump a "savior" sent by God. In their Gospel, Jesus cancels his crucifixion due to bone spurs. - Tea Pain
Republican Shenanigans
- Mueller wins again with appeals court ruling against Stone associate
- Trump campaign has ‘learned nothing’ as 2020 manager Brad Parscale gets caught taking money from foreign nationals
- Trump 'paying close attention' to people in 'cross-hairs' of Russia probe, says former Trump campaign aide
- Trump calls for changes to toughen path to asylum
- Judge rules Confederate statues in Charlottesville protected by Virginia law
- Kimberly Guilfoyle joining Trump campaign as senior adviser
- Rosenstein submits resignation from Justice Department
- Jacob Wohl Allegedly Tried to Smear Peter Buttigieg, Failed
Jacob Wohl & Jack Burkman, like Trump & Jared, prove that sometimes the stupid is stronger than the sinister. I call them "Dim Shady."- John Fugelsang
Trump reminds you he's pro-life for women but pro-choice for mistresses. - John Fugelsang
Trump Is Suing Everyone!
President Donald Trump and his family are suing Deutsche Bank and Capital One to block subpoenas issued by House Democrats seeking Trump’s financial records.
In the federal lawsuit filed Monday in New York, Trump’s lawyers argued that the subpoenas serve “no legitimate or lawful purpose.”
If Joe Biden & Anita Hill both agree he owes her an apology, fantastic. I hope they work things out between them.
You know who REALLY owes Anita Hill an apology?
Why is the actual abuser getting a pass in all this? STILL getting a pass? - John Asher tweet
Americans Favor Fifteen Dollars An Hour For Congress - Andy Borowitz
Rock The Voter News
- Poll: Biden holds support of 50 percent of non-white Dem voters
- Kamala Harris hires famed admaker Margolis
- Beto O'Rourke is losing donors to Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg
- Trump, Democrats Agree on $2 Trillion for Roads and Bridges
Rod Rosenstein resigning effective 5/11. A recent exchange I had with him:
Me: You quoted Donald Trump on respecting the rule of law. Seriously?
RR: It was a good quote.
Me: Do you think he believed it?
RR: [Pause]
Me: Do you?
RR: Those were good words. - David Corn, Mother Jones
Rosenstein May Be Called Before The House
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is resigning, but Democrats are already talking about calling him to testify before the House Judiciary Committee.
Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) said on MSNBC’s The Beat With Ari Melber, “Well, it’s very interesting. I think that he was very disappointing, especially the way that he handled things at the end with Barr standing behind him as he had the press conference. So it will be interesting to see whether he comes before our committee and what he has to say now that he will not be an employee of the Department of Justice.”
Rod Rosenstein is the colonel from Bridge on the River Kwai, only without the bridge. - David Frum
"Rosenstein said that he didn’t want to go out with a tweet, so instead he went out with a love letter to Trump". ~Harold Goodman
In the last 18 years Republicans have voted 9 times in favor of raising their own salary. Raising it a total of $99,000
In that same time they’ve also voted 14 times against raising minimum wage and attempted 71 times to take away people’s healthcare.
Business/Tech News
- Chase told customers to stop splurging on coffee and cabs
- The Obamas Unveil The Projects They’ve Been Working On For Netflix
- GM gets $300 million windfall from Lyft investment
- Majority of voters support wealth tax, oppose free college: poll
I like when politicians give tax cuts to corps that sent US jobs overseas, then say high taxes are driving the jobs away. - John Fugelsang
How To Overturn An Order by James Mattis
Former Defense Secretary James Mattis declined to carry out orders from President Trump or otherwise limited his options in various attempts to prevent tensions with North Korea, Iran and Syria from escalating, The New Yorker reported Monday, the latest account of Trump’s own officials trying to check his worst instincts.
"The president thinks out loud. Do you treat it like an order? Or do you treat it as part of a longer conversation? We treated it as part of a longer conversation,"
Unbeatable ‘Jeopardy!’ Champ Says Key To Success Is Threatening Other Contestants With Nail-Studded Baseball Bat During Commercials. - The Onion
Finish My Casita Fundraiser!
It is 102° in my kitchen. This is abnormal heat that has been going on for 3 days. The locals are hot and worried! Me, too. I don't want to die!! An air conditioner moved to the top of my wish list.
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