Monday, April 15, 2019

USA sending aid to Notre Dame

Notre Dame fire: Paris cathedral devastated by ferocious blaze 
Thousands of Parisians watched in horror from behind police cordons as a ferocious blaze devastated the landmark Notre Dame Cathedral, ...

My heart goes out to Paris. Notre Dame is a symbol of our ability as human beings to unite for a higher purpose—to build breathtaking spaces for worship that no one person could have built on their own. I wish France strength and shared purpose as they grieve and rebuild. - Hillary Clinton tweet

So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly! - Donald Trump tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump is gleefully boasting about a plan to send what he believes are dangerous foreigners to major U.S. cities so he can get back at American citizens who disagree with him.
That’s not a president, it’s a tin-pot dictator. And an impotent one at that. - Rex Huppke

Cocky Locky at the Vatican.
Steve Bannon Versus The Pope. No Really.
Since becoming pope in 2013, Francis has expressed a consistent message on the type of “America First” nationalism championed by Steve Bannon. Two years ago, the pope cautioned against growing populism in Europe, warning it could lead to the election of leaders like Hitler. He has called for compassion toward migrants, saying that fearing them "makes us crazy," as well as other marginalized groups including the poor and gay people. He has also defended diversity. Bannon alleges that Francis has mismanaged numerous sex abuse scandals roiling the church, and says the pope is not treating the issue seriously enough.

What an utter failure of democracy it is that the only people who have seen and may ever see the full actual Mueller Report are the guys trying to cover it up. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Fires Several Voices In Head - Andy Borowitz

Barr To Release Mueller Report On Thursday
Attorney General William Barr expects to provide special counsel Robert Mueller’s report to Congress and the public on Thursday, a Justice Department official said, as members of both parties and the White House prepared themselves for an escalation of partisan combat.


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Rock The Voter News

Fox News Debuts Premium Channel For 24-Hour Coverage Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - The Onion

Trump Awards Tiger Woods Medal of Freedom Via Twitter
President Donald Trump said Monday that he'll award golfer Tiger Woods with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, after Woods won his fifth Masters title over the weekend.
"Spoke to @TigerWoods to congratulate him on the great victory he had in yesterday's @TheMasters, & to inform him that because of his incredible Success & Comeback in Sports (Golf) and, more importantly, LIFE, I will be presenting him with the PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM!" Trump tweeted Monday afternoon.

Just to see the bumper stickers, I’m rooting for the ticket of Buttigieg/Hickenlooper in 2020. - Conan O'Brien


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Notre Dame is one of the world’s great treasures, and we’re thinking of the people of France in your time of grief. It’s in our nature to mourn when we see history lost – but it’s also in our nature to rebuild for tomorrow, as strong as we can. - Barack Obama

Business/Tech News

As the President comes to Minnesota today to celebrate the tax bill, remember we could have fixed waterways, levees, roads, bridges, schools & rail w/the money he gave to the wealthy.  He doesn't have a real plan to rebuild America's infrastructure. I do. - Amy Klobuchar

Sarah Sanders Says Congress Is Too Dumb To Understand Taxes
"I don’t think Congress — particularly not this group of congressmen and women — are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume that President Trump’s taxes will be," she said on "Fox News Sunday."

“The saints were his friends, and blessed him; the monsters were his friends, and guarded him.” ― Victor Hugo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame


The power was off for 6 hours today. Glad I was able to post this fast edition!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The space station captured photographing the moon.


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